View Full Version : Prozac Question

10-22-2013, 03:08 PM

So I've been struggling with anxiety/depression, and my doctor gave me 10mg of Prozac. Which I realize is not a lot. But I was wondering about the side effects? And how long would it take for those to show up? I've been taking it a week.

I've gotten a lot more apathetic the past two days, like it takes every ounce of strength for me to get out of bed. Things just seem pointless and hopeless. Is that a side effect? I also have really bad headaches. It really sucks. My head just feels fuzzy all the time.

Does anyone have any experience with that? Thanks in advance.

10-24-2013, 08:33 AM
I take it(20mg/day) and it needs time so hang in there and at 10 mg any side effects will fade. Give it 8 weeks min. It's a tried med. Alankay