View Full Version : Palpatations

10-22-2013, 03:22 AM
Keep having palps today and over the weekend on and off my heart feels really fluttery and every time I get one I cough :( please someone help

10-22-2013, 05:13 AM
Those are pvc most probably !! Have you done echocardiography ?? Holter and ecg ? That ia common .... I also get them and cough imediately... And when they happen during exercise ?? My god i freak out allways .... Quitted Sports ... And all my exams are normal ... All in our heads

10-22-2013, 05:24 AM
Those are pvc most probably !! Have you done echocardiography ?? Holter and ecg ? That ia common .... I also get them and cough imediately... And when they happen during exercise ?? My god i freak out allways .... Quitted Sports ... And all my exams are normal ... All in our heads

Yeh av had 2 ECG :( and they where both fine ! God what is up with us the symptoms are so strange I feel like my hearts just going to stop. I have quitted football because of it

10-22-2013, 05:30 AM
It's because wen we av anxiety we get fixated on certain sensations within the body that are normal but because we are on high alert due to anxiety we focus on these sensations and it gets stuck in our heads so that's all we think about checking are heart beats nd our pulse ect or other feels and sensations each one of uz has it's best to try and ignor it cuz the more u pay attention to something the more u think of ot :/ I knw easier said than done but it can be done

10-22-2013, 05:52 AM
For me the most scaring is during exercise... And you ? While in rest it is not so scary

j brown
10-22-2013, 08:57 PM
It is scary I have them too I was having them bad after taking cold medicine ... I felt like my heart was stoping or I was trying to catch my breath ...the worst I get anxiety and palpatations is when I drink coffee or sugar

10-22-2013, 10:31 PM
Keep having palps today and over the weekend on and off my heart feels really fluttery and every time I get one I cough :( please someone help
I have been having these right now! On and off for a month or more. I decided it was from smoking so I haven't smoked since Friday. Now I'm laying in bed and have suddenly gotten a few flutters out of nowhere and have myself freaked right out. Why would I still be getting these flutters since I haven't smoked?? Idk if I've now convinced myself it was from smoking and it wasn't or what but I HATE the feeling of them. It makes me want to cough too and then just feels like your heart beat is in your throat.

10-23-2013, 12:12 AM
I've had them for over 2 months. I had an ECHO Friday. Tomorrow I go for a holter and then Thurs, a stress test. They are a horrible symptom, but a prior poster is right, the more we focus on them, the more we notice them. Hope your feeling better!

10-23-2013, 06:11 AM
They are my worst symptom ive just beem cleaning and got a run of them so sat down n came on here to tey and distract myself. .. I also had and ecg, echo and halter monitor earlier this year and nothing serious has been found x

10-23-2013, 07:10 AM
But who as them also while exercising ???