View Full Version : sleep problems worse then ever but do i take meds?

10-20-2013, 04:21 PM
i have a doctors appointment tomorrow because of my sleep problems. i am kinda nervous as the last time i went to see this gp he acted like i was exaggerating and was kinda rude and impatient. i dont know what he will tell me but im also not sure what my opnion is on sleep pills. i feel i am doing everything i can to battle my GAD but feel that i could and would get alot better if i could just sleep. do others have this problem? and if so any other methods to help me sleep?

10-20-2013, 04:30 PM
I used to struggle really bad with no sleep, it's physically and mentally draining. I went to see one gp who automatically gave me sleeping pills. He made no attempt to find the cause. I wouldn't take the sleeping pills I was too scared too. I went back and seen another doctor but took a list of all my symptoms and worries, she was lovely and really listened to me, she gave me antidepressants and beta blockers and they are helping me. I still get bad nights like tonight, but I don't fight it anymore I just get up and take a blanket downstairs. I either re read a favourite book or watch a silly film until I'm exhausted and fall asleep. I hope you have better look with your gp tomorrow and find something that helps you

10-20-2013, 04:34 PM
I used to struggle really bad with no sleep, it's physically and mentally draining. I went to see one gp who automatically gave me sleeping pills. He made no attempt to find the cause. I wouldn't take the sleeping pills I was too scared too. I went back and seen another doctor but took a list of all my symptoms and worries, she was lovely and really listened to me, she gave me antidepressants and beta blockers and they are helping me. I still get bad nights like tonight, but I don't fight it anymore I just get up and take a blanket downstairs. I either re read a favourite book or watch a silly film until I'm exhausted and fall asleep. I hope you have better look with your gp tomorrow and find something that helps you

I just not sure about the side effects.. I'm already on anti depressants for 3 weeks so do I wait for them to kick in first. I have hardly any sleep and I just don't know what to do. I'm scared of side effects!

10-20-2013, 04:42 PM
Hi, I have just been diagnosed with GAD and for the first time in my life i am having bad sleeping. For the last 4 days I've slept maybe an hour each night. My body and mind just can't switch off and then I find myself worrying about not sleeping - which makes it worse ! I went to the doc today and she gave me diazepam - just 6 days worth as they don't like to issue them long term as they are addictive. Just taken one just now - hopefully it will work.
Long term I'm going to look at doing meditation or perhaps hypnotherapy. I've also heard they there are some good sleep audio videos on YouTube. A friend of mine uses one every night and it works for her. There is also sominex. You can get this over the counter at the chemist. They are mild non-addictive sleep sedatives.
Good luck x

10-20-2013, 04:44 PM
Ah bless you I would definitely talk to your doctor, as your antidepressants should be working now. All I can suggest is to try and distract yourself at bedtime, and if you can't sleep get up and do something. Side affects are very rare from medications I used to panic all the time and scan the leaflets to look for side affects. I think for me I just got to the stage where I would of done anything to get a good night sleep but it still took me 3 days to even start any tablets. But now I always take a book or puzzle book to bed to tire myself out. I hope you get a good nights sleep. Yeah as mentioned above meditation apps work great for relaxation :-) also ask your gp for a cbt referral I've just started going and it works at changing the thought process. I'm hoping a praying it works :-)

10-20-2013, 06:54 PM
I listen to audio books. 1000s have I listened to: Clancy, Dickens, Ludlum, Asimov, George RR Martin, Brontes, Elizabeth Gaskill, on and on.

I download them from my local library (free), or there's audible.com and audiobooks.com

Chris C
10-20-2013, 09:34 PM
Have you tried taking a melatonin tablet before bed? My therapist suggested it. It's the natural chemical your body produces when it's ready to sleep. I take a 3mg dissolving tablet before I get in bed and it really helps me fall and stay asleep.