View Full Version : Dizzy non stop 3 months

10-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Can anyone relate, it was so bad this morning I didn't know if I was gonna pass out or throw up. I just started praying and it calmed down. My doc has checked blood work and ears I've even had a CT done on my head and it was fine. Now to accompany dizziness I'm getting headaches all across my forehead. Any thought?

10-19-2013, 09:06 AM
I have been suffering from non stop dizziness since 3 years. The ground beneath my feet shakes violently. Benzos help.

10-19-2013, 09:21 AM
Aches from strained face/head/neck muscles, dizziness from prolonged hyperventilation. Itīs so ironic that we all know that our problems are due to anxiety but we cannot accept it and keep on freaking out at single ache somewhere in the body.

10-19-2013, 10:12 AM
I had that for a few months. To me it felt like I was walking on a boat most of the time. If something in my peripheral moved I was even more off balance. I had all the blood work done and nothing was ever found. I even went to an ENT who also diagnosed anxiety. I started celexa and after a few weeks it went away. I can only speculate that being stressed for so long threw me off. My pdoc said at the time I was in the anxiety realm. I was hyper sensitive to everything...even my own movement.

10-19-2013, 10:34 AM
I had that for a few months. To me it felt like I was walking on a boat most of the time. If something in my peripheral moved I was even more off balance. I had all the blood work done and nothing was ever found. I even went to an ENT who also diagnosed anxiety. I started celexa and after a few weeks it went away. I can only speculate that being stressed for so long threw me off. My pdoc said at the time I was in the anxiety realm. I was hyper sensitive to everything...even my own movement.I wonder if this is what going on with me. I notice every single movement twitch spasm ache throb pain itch sensation in my body here lately. Especially since weaning off beta blocker two weeks ago I am constantly aware of my heart pounding really super hard. I put my hand on my heart to try and make it stop. So annoying

10-19-2013, 10:42 AM
It is probably caused by tension in your head and facial muscles from stress. You probably have tmj issues too. This can cause headaches and a sort of dizzy "vertigo" feeling.

10-27-2013, 07:32 AM
It sucks that you feel this way, Does it feel like the room is spinning or you are spinning? If so then it could be vertigo or anxiety, but I know that in my case my dizziness was more like a drunk feeling, this went on for three months when it first started and now it often happens to me when I am exceptionally anxious. This feeling has been diagnosed as dissociation by four different doctors. So I am finally accepting my dizziness as "dissociation". If your ct is clear and ent has cleared you I can guarantee it is anxiety related!

10-27-2013, 11:13 AM
I've had this for years on and off and u know how it can bring on a anxiety attack or make you feel like your going to pass out,I get waves of dizziness tho u would have your blood checked as I'm low in my vit D and iron which if you take supplements it will help with the anxiety as I does me,I am also on 50g of
Setraline and sometimes beta blockers

10-29-2013, 08:30 AM
Could this also be a food allergy? Sometimes a food intolerance to wheat or dairy can cause this as well.

10-29-2013, 11:13 AM
Just happened to stumble on this thread. I suffer the dizzy-lightheaded thing. I am concerned about it as it is always there albeit good days and bad

Do you guys find mental load makes it worse? I am really vulnerable at the moment it seems even reading makes it worse.

10-29-2013, 01:51 PM
Wow everything you have all said is exactly like me too!! I am super sensitive to any movement wether it be me or something else moving