View Full Version : Can my anxiety come back for no reason?

10-16-2013, 11:29 PM
I recently got rid of my anxiety, without Meds , I used the 'exposure' method and it worked like a charm. I no longer have negative thoughts and the symptoms are gone too. I am 100% anxiety free. I'm just wondering if it can come back without any reason? Or will I have to go through stress again?

10-16-2013, 11:34 PM
What's the exposure method?

10-16-2013, 11:59 PM
It's where you face your anxiety head on and train your amygdala (an organ in your brain which is responsible for your anxiety) to return to normal. If you want I can tell you what I did.

10-17-2013, 01:38 PM
Yeah tell me wat u did I need this x

10-17-2013, 02:06 PM
Firstly this method works for any type of anxiety or panic disorder.

Whenever you feel anxiety, just instantly start laughing your butt off, start dancing or jerking around. Start playing like a little child. Roll around on your bed, crack jokes, pretend anxiety is a person and make fun off them.

This sends messages to your amygdala (organ in your brain which is responsible for your anxiety) that hang on, their having a good time, I don't need to be on alert. Then it starts to tune down.

Keep doing this and I bet you that it will take no longer than a week for your anxiety to go back to normal.

10-17-2013, 02:31 PM
I agree that it helps anxiety a lot to laugh while you are feeling it, which is why I almost exclusively only watch comedy shows and go to comedy clubs for fun right now. But as soon as I stop laughing sometimes, the anxiety is back.

BUT this is not the exposure method. You did not do that.

Exposure is for phobias and it's actually very difficult and painful and long to go through. I've used it when it comes to fear of commitment and also agoraphobia. It means slowly exposing yourself to whatever you are afraid of until you stop being afraid of it.

Like, I have arachnophobia right now. If I want to get over it, I can start out by exposing myself to pictures of spiders at first (because even those scare me). I can do less scary spiders to scary spiders and force myself to sit in the room with them for five minutes, then ten minutes, then thirty minutes, then an hour. Then I'll get a tiny spider and put it in a cage in the room with me and force myself to sit with it for five minutes, then another day, ten minutes, so on and so forth until I get used to its presence. Then I get bigger and scarier spiders. Then eventually I work my way up to touching them until the fear is gone.

It usually takes years of exposing yourself more and more to whatever you are afraid of until the phobia is gone.

Exposure therapy is slow and painful. It means actually exposing yourself to your fear. It's not laughing at your thoughts.

10-17-2013, 03:46 PM
In answer to your question, yes it can come back for no reason.