View Full Version : Anxiety disorder and Panic disorder

10-14-2013, 05:44 PM
You're in control of what you do and How you respond to it

10-14-2013, 06:09 PM
We do have a search option on this forum, I do not get it. What are you asking for?
Must be my poor understanding of English :(

10-14-2013, 06:23 PM
We do have a search option on this forum, I do not get it. What are you asking for? Must be my poor understanding of English :(

I'm not asking a question. I'm just simply saying that anxiety and panic is a reaction. It's how we react to a anything that worries us. This is not a disease. It is a reaction. A reaction we can learn to change

10-14-2013, 06:40 PM
I am sorry, yes anxiety and panic attacks are the reactions. The reaction which involves our bodies and brain, as you know. Yes we can reprogram our brains, however after 30 years of trying I had enough and went on meds :))
younger people still have a chance
If you have some new way of dealing with it, share please:)

10-14-2013, 08:06 PM
That was an oversimplification.

Yes, you can overcome anxiety, but the majority of the time, you have to fight your body to do so. Just like with any disease, you have to fight your body to conquer it. Mental ILLNESS is called mental ILLNESS.

People who are addicted to things can get past their addictions as well, but it's about more than choosing to do so, it's about fighting your mind and your body who have now become dependent on it to get past it.

Getting over anxiety is a fight, not a choice. You can choose to fight or choose not to, but you can't always choose to be better right now.

Sarah W
10-14-2013, 08:14 PM
"You're in control of what you do and How you respond to it"

"Getting over anxiety is a fight, not a choice. You can choose to fight or choose not to, but you can't always choose to be better right now."

Both are perfect! Choose not to give up the fight! Don't forget that you're in direct control over...something.

I think you both may be trying to express the same thing in different ways.

10-14-2013, 09:40 PM
Well yes getting past anxiety can feel like a fight. Although, fighting it isn't really how you help yourself to get past it. It is more of a relaxation and acceptance. And of course, anxiety is no simple matter. It feels more serious than it actually is. But when it really comes down to it, a panic attack is your reaction to the symptoms. When I say "you're in control of what you do and how you respond to it" isn't me oversimplifying anxiety. It is to remind everyone that anxiety isn't in control. You are. And It's hard I know but it can be done. For those who may be losing hope or already have, remember the so called "fight" is not over and you can still overcome it.

10-14-2013, 11:56 PM
Guys.... I had severe anxiety but now my anxiety is just very mild and small.

All you need to do is treat your anxiety as a joke. It can't physically harm you in any way, it can't kill you, of course you can get rid of anxiety and go back to living a normal life. When you are experiencing anxiety just do things like dancing or laughing, try talking smack to it. "Hey you son of a bitch! Let's see what you've got!"

Let the symptoms be, let the anxiety come, in fact start craving for the anxiety. This sends messages to the specific organ in your brain which is responsible for your anxiety (amygdala).

Your amygdala is set on 'high', it's basically like a thermostat, by doing this your amygdala goes "hang on, there's no danger."
Eventually as you keep doing this your amygdala goes back to normal.

I've been doing this for 2 days and it's gotten heaps better.