View Full Version : Fed up

10-11-2013, 05:44 AM
For over 20 years I have suffered from depression. But I always thought those who committed suicide was selfish but not anymore you know I get it and everyday now I know I am a coward not doing it myself
Last November my mum had a stroke and took a second stroke in march.Her personality and behavior completely changed. I was already having to look after my father who had a stroke back in 2007. So now I have my mum too the difference is my dad is like me and had problems going out, my mum went out every single day. Now she is depressed cause she can't leave the house on her own and I force myself maybe once a month to take her out. She used to know I had a problem leaving my home or talking to strangers now she says it's my fault I have no life but it's not her fault she can't go out on her own.I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. 1 sister will come take her out now and again the rest don't bother seems like they don't care. I have a lot of health problems besides the depression. I cook their dinners look after the medication and keep them company at night. My mum knows I can't sleep at night sometimes get a few hrs during the day she knew that now she does not care if she wakes me or not. I pray to sleep and never wake up I have had enough.

10-11-2013, 05:57 AM
I feel your pain
I was 25 When my mum had her stroke I gave up my life to look after her full time it completely changed her. Then the anxiety started... There are days when I just want to curl up under a rock but I know that's not the answer. We have to try to be strong