View Full Version : Needing Medication and Having Unsupportive Parents

10-10-2013, 07:31 AM
Hi everyone! I just joined this forum because this week has been excruciatingly stressful for me. I am continuously having panic attacks over stupid and little things and I can't stop myself no matter how hard I try. It's like, my heart tells me one thing, yet my brain just clogs all of my sense of reasoning up making me dwindle down into having anxiety over the littlest of things. I have been stressing my boyfriend out to no end; and I don't ENJOY having anxiety in the slightest. Everyone I talk to tells me I should go on medication and that it will help, but my mom doesn't seem to believe I have anxiety and isn't supportive of my wanting to get medication to help me. Any advice? I'm only 16 so I don't think I can go to the doctors by myself, so I'm kind of in a pickle.

10-10-2013, 05:12 PM
Hi patchouli, Welcome to the site! I'm sorry you're going through a rough time with anxiety. A lot of people here can relate and you're definitely not alone! I'm sorry your Mom is not open to the idea of medication for you. How about counseling? That can be very helpful too. If your Mom is against that as well, then I'm wondering if there is a school counselor you could talk to?

In the meantime, I really hope it helps you to spend some time here. It's a very friendly place and if you have a read through some of the posts - and especially the "sticky" topics in the General Discussion forum - you'll find tons of helpful info too!

10-10-2013, 07:01 PM
Hey Patch,

Which country are you located in? over here in the UK you are allowed to go to the doctor alone at the age of 16. If this isn't the case in your country of residence I would advise following tailspins advice.

10-10-2013, 09:34 PM
Hey Patch, Which country are you located in? over here in the UK you are allowed to go to the doctor alone at the age of 16. If this isn't the case in your country of residence I would advise following tailspins advice.

I live in the USA, so I have to be 18 years old unfortunately.

10-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Would your mother be open to you seeing a psychiatrist for counseling? Medicines are scary to parents sometimes, but I doubt she would deny you some therapy if you asked for it. Maybe an alternative. Also, the psychiatrist can help you understand what you've got going on, and maybe would be willing to talk to your mother a bit as well. Just so she can understand a little better. It's so hard when no one around you understands what you are going through. We are here!