View Full Version : Endodontist tomorrow. Feel sick :-( Sorry for rant

10-09-2013, 03:46 PM
I had some quite bad toothache last night after supper and am still getting twinges in the tooth now. I have a horrible feeling it's going to involve a root canal. The pain is not really awful, but something is definitely brewing. I called the endodontist earlier and made an appointment for tomorrow morning to have it checked out and, presumably, treated if necessary.

As soon as the toothache started last night I started to feel sick to my stomach because I HATE going to the dentist. Now that I've actually made the appointment I feel even more sick. I literally feel like going to bed and crying. I know that by the time tomorrow morning comes I will be worse. Most likely I will have to take an Ativan. But all that really does is take the edge off a bit. It doesn't stop me feeling like crap.

The worst thing for me is that the anesthetic doesn't agree with me. For several hours after the procedure is done I feel sick and headachey and wiped out. I have read that some people do feel like this after the anesthetic. It contains all kinds of chemicals that go right into your blood stream. The anesthetic also contains epinephrine, which is adrenaline, so it really speeds up your heart rate and can make the anxiety a lot worse. You can request an anesthetic without epinephrine, but that doesn't work as well. And even that kind makes me feel sick because I did request that last time. And then I always start to panic because the numbness in my throat makes it hard for me to swallow and I think, what if I actually am sick, I'll surely choke because my throat and mouth are numb from the anesthetic and aren't working properly.

I hate this so much. I hate the way my body always overreacts to things. Having a root canal is NOT a major disaster. I've had them before, and if it wasn't for my hideous anxiety, they wouldn't be that bad. I mean, no one finds root canals pleasant. But it's the anxiety, and everything that goes with it, which is the worst part for me. Not the actual root canal. It's the way I FEEL when I'm having it that is awful. And I don't seem to have any control over how I feel. No matter how many affirmations I say, no matter if I try and breathe deeply, my body freaks out on me. It's like my body completely bypasses my mind and all rational thought and just does it's freak out thing. I start to feel nauseated, I get sweaty, I may start shaking, my heart will race, I will desperately want to escape. I will experience this horrific inner turmoil and I am powerless to stop it. Even Ativan only dulls it a bit.

I hate feeling so powerless over my own body. And I hate the way my anxiety turns everything into a crisis and a drama. And I hate the way, even when I don't have anything specific to be anxious about, I'm STILL anxious a lot of the time. And then, when I do have something specific to be anxious about, the whole thing just goes into overdrive.

May I add that I am a 49 year old woman!!!! I was never this bad when I was younger!!!! I don't know what has happened to me and I can't believe I am this old and I feel this helpless about things. I've always been a big worrier and I've had depression and anxiety issues on and off my whole life. But nothing this bad. I just don't understand what's happened to me!!!! Even allowing for the fact that my hormones are now way out of whack with menopause looming, still, I am a real basket case!!!!!!!!! Also, I am way older than most people here, which makes me feel even more of a freak!!!!

Sorry for the rant!!!!

10-09-2013, 04:13 PM
You're not a freak. I am 27 years old, but I'll probably be just as depressed and anxious as you are at your age. Also, I know my Mom struggles with anxiety and depression and she's over 60, so she's way older than you and she still struggles with these things!

I totally relate about the dentist stuff. Two years I found out that I needed 11 root canals and 10 fillings. That is not a typo. The dentist was literally horrified by how bad my teeth are and I am only 27. I got the fillings done and 5 of the root canals, but I can't do it anymore, even though I am in pain all the time. It's just too hard with all the other anxiety I am already having, yet I'm scared all the time that my teeth are rotting out of my face.

I absolutely HATE the feeling of numbness, too. It goes up my nose and makes me feel out of control and terrified. Ugh.

I've also had some bad experiences with dentists. One accidentally drilled into my cheek and I bled a lot. Another one gave me a filling without novacaine and it was super painful. And last root canal, when they gave me the novacaine shots, the adrenaline sped up my heart so fast, I almost passed out. The dentist literally had to have his assistants ready to call 9-1-1 as he monitored my heart rate for awhile, saying it was way too fast. And I felt super dizzy and sick and horrible.

I hate the way the drilling feels and how it rattles my head. I hate the gritty stuff they drill out and how I swallow it and how they have to squirt water in my mouth and how it tastes.

I hate the dentist so much! I get anxiety at least a week ahead of time before I go whenever I go.

10-09-2013, 04:17 PM
You're not a freak. I am 27 years old, but I'll probably be just as depressed and anxious as you are at your age. Also, I know my Mom struggles with anxiety and depression and she's over 60, so she's way older than you and she still struggles with these things!

I totally relate about the dentist stuff. Two years I found out that I needed 11 root canals and 10 fillings. That is not a typo. The dentist was literally horrified by how bad my teeth are and I am only 27. I got the fillings done and 5 of the root canals, but I can't do it anymore, even though I am in pain all the time. It's just too hard with all the other anxiety I am already having, yet I'm scared all the time that my teeth are rotting out of my face.

I absolutely HATE the feeling of numbness, too. It goes up my nose and makes me feel out of control and terrified. Ugh.

I've also had some bad experiences with dentists. One accidentally drilled into my cheek and I bled a lot. Another one gave me a filling without novacaine and it was super painful. And last root canal, when they gave me the novacaine shots, the adrenaline sped up my heart so fast, I almost passed out. The dentist literally had to have his assistants ready to call 9-1-1 as he monitored my heart rate for awhile, saying it was way too fast. And I felt super dizzy and sick and horrible.

I hate the way the drilling feels and how it rattles my head. I hate the gritty stuff they drill out and how I swallow it and how they have to squirt water in my mouth and how it tastes.

I hate the dentist so much! I get anxiety at least a week ahead of time before I go whenever I go.

Thanks for understanding, sweetypie!!! It's horrendous, isn't it?!?!!!! I'm sorry you've had those really bad experiences with the guy drilling into your cheek etc, on top of the ordinary really bad stuff!!!

10-09-2013, 04:44 PM
You are not alone with a hate for the dentist . But in saying that i dont think that this is the problem . Nobody loves going to the dentist but when you have a stress problem to start with it just adds to it more .

This really is one of those things you cant change . I could pick up your future thinking in there and i am sure a counselor would tell you not to do this. But this is not future thinking is it in that you know how you are going to react and that it is fact .

Maybe its time to try a different way . Maybe a stronger benzo . What about that laughing gas , do they still use it ?

As for being old , i am not far behind you so dont worry about that . Thats more of that depression talking isnt it ?

After i read your post i sort of questioned if your drugs are only keeping things at bay and not doing there job as they should . I wonder if a talk with a doc might be needed .

There is also a paid site , ( very small fee ) ran by Christan's that i think if you were to join it might be of benefit to you . www.anxietycentre.com/ I know its a paid one but it is better than any book i have ever read .

keep well

Thanks so much, forwells. EVERYTHING you say here is spot on!! Thank you. I really appreciate your understanding. What you say about this not being a case of future thinking, but a case of knowing for a fact that my body will freak out is right on the money!!!! Also, you're right on about the fact that my meds are not doing enough to help and another talk with my psychiatrist is definitely in order. I don't think I'm doing enough either because I'm still not pushing myself enough to do things and I'm continuing to allow my anxiety to hold me back too much.

Anyhow, thanks so much for this super helpful post. I will check out that site you mention also. Thanks again.

PS: I believe some dentists do still use laughing gas, but mine doesn't and I don't think many do. I don't know why though because it seems that would solve a lot of problems for a lot of people!!!!

10-09-2013, 05:10 PM
Good luck tomorrow, Tailspin ! I hate the dentist. Ugh, I get squeamish just thinking about it! Let us know how it goes tomorrow--hopefully all goes well and no horror stories :)

10-09-2013, 06:29 PM
Good luck tailspin. It will be over before you know it, and be yet another memory/victory in the bank.


...eventually" :)

10-09-2013, 11:06 PM
Thank you NeverToo and jessed!!

LOL!! Love this!!


...eventually" :)

10-10-2013, 07:47 AM
I'm thinking of you this morning!!! You are absolutely not a freak. You are soooo helpful to sooo many people. Especially me. :)

That being said, I HATE THE DENTIST!! I had such anxiety about it, they had to give me nitrous the first time I had real work done (since anxiety - I didn't mind the dentist as a kid!) and it helped a bit. They also gave me valium the night before. After a while, I started to be able to handle it. Then I didn't go for about 5 years because of lack of insurance. Then, it all came back when I had to go again. I had to have a lot of work done last year, and I was a mess every time. I sweat like a maniac!! I don't mind needles or pain, but I do mind my entire friggin' face being numb... that was a really rough day. They had to work on some front teeth, and the novocaine numbed it all. My nose, under my eye, my lips. It was terrifying. I cried. lol I also went one time and had the throat issue. I was standing in line at the pharmacy to get some preventative antibiotics after the appointment, and the throat numbness really had me panicking. It was all I could do to stand in line and hold it together. I hate the feeling of numbness, because it's a loss of control. Anywho, I just wanted to share my own experiences, and I also want to wish you GOOD LUCK today!! I will be thinking about you. Let us know how you get on.

10-10-2013, 09:01 AM

You are not way older than most people here! And, really most people would rather never go to the dentist. I have to confess that I don't have problems seeing doctors. I do have problems paying for dentistry visits.

a) I have to admit that I often feel like my anxiety has gotten worse with age. I don't want to scare all the youngsters on this forum by suggesting that anxiety is a life long partner that can make more and more demands on you. I won't say too much on this subject, but I think it's rational to feel more anxiety, especially health related anxiety, when you get older.

b) I had a great dentist in Chicago. I didn't have root canal, just cavities. But it was the best ever experience. It seems to me that dentistry has really progressed a great deal. They don't use novocaine any more. And you can get it without ephinephrine as well. I was amazed at all the cool equipment my dentist had. I could even watch the procedure on tv. They gave me music to listen to and cracked jokes. Sniff! I loved my dentist.

Tailspin!! Take an anti-anxiety med beforehand; make sure you are going to a dentist that uses all the latest procedures. Tell them that you are super nervous. Bring treats for yourself. Bring a book to read, or listen to music. Remember you are in great hands and that this is critical for your well-being. You are lucky to be in a country where you can get access to great dental care. After the visit, give yourself permission to feel crappy. Crawl into bed. suck on ice cream. Get your husband to make a nice bowl of chicken soup. Shop online for some cool stuff for your doggies. Let us know how it went when you are done.

10-10-2013, 09:44 AM
Tailspin, you are not old! I'm 37 , and I've found that as I've gotten older, I stress out more then ever. I also have a big fear of the doctor's and dentist offic e. I have to go in for a routine dental exam and i keep putting it off. I need to stop being a baby and just go and get it over with! I will make my appt and go in. Why don't you do the same so you can get it over with? I always feel much better once it is over with. Afterwards, if you aren't feeling so hot.....just eat something light like soup and crackers and curl up with a good magazine or good movie to get your mind off of it.

10-10-2013, 03:24 PM
Thank you so much for all the kind words, support and great suggestions, HealthAnxNut, Perses and trinidivia, and everyone!!

Thanks for relating so well to how I feel, HealthAnxNut!! (But sorry for you that you can relate to the fears!!) Definitely the numbing represents a huge loss of control, and that is a major factor in my anxiety (not being in control. Even though, the irony is that I'm totally NOT in control of my anxiety!)

Awesome that you don't fear the dentist or doctor, Perses! And I love the sound of your dentist!! State of the art is definitely the way to go. I can't say my dentist is very state of the art, though she did tell me she is in the process of getting laughing gas, which I would like to try!!! Thanks for all the great suggestions!!!

Thanks so much for understanding trinidiva! Yes, definitely, I am becoming more anxious as I age too. I never expected that!! I've always thought one of the benefits of aging is that you are more confident and less anxious! Not so in my case!!

Anyhow.....I really dodged a bullet today!!! Because, after all that anticipatory anxiety, I didn't need to have a root canal! Or anything at all! I almost fainted when she told me the x-ray was clear and that she didn't see the need for any treatment at this time!!! I was so NOT expecting that!!! She did a thorough exam and tapped my teeth and put a cold substance on them to test for sensitivity and various other things, and although there was some sensitivity in the one tooth that was troubling me, it was nothing major. So the dentist concluded that I have probably just irritated the tooth by chewing on something hard, or by grinding my teeth, or something like that, and she assumes the irritation will die down.

I still can't quite believe it!! Unfortunately I had already worked myself into quite a bad state, but I wasn't too bad because my husband said to me that most likely I wouldn't have any procedure done on the same day as the consultation, so I clung to that and kind of tricked myself into remaining somewhat calm by telling myself that nothing was going to happen today anyway besides a consult. It wasn't until I got into the dentist's chair that I started to freak out internally. I absolutely hate when they put the chair back and at that point my heart was really racing and I was sweathing and feeling sick and all the usual stuff. I was SO sure the dentist was going to find something horrible like an infection. But she didn't!

Like I say, I still can't quite believe it. I'm still riding on the adrenaline and feel quite jittery still and also a bit sick from all the nerves, even though I am natually very relieved too!! I did talk to the dentist at length about my anxiety (which was also abundantly obvious since my teeth were practically chattering!!) She suggested I take medication ahead of time next time and I will definitely do that.

I guess I feel a bit foolish for getting so worked up when I didn't even know for sure that I'd need to have work done. Plus, I know at some point I WILL need to have more dental work done because it's unavoidable as you get older so my generalized worries about future health and dental procedures is still there. But for now I'm just trying to enjoy the fact that, today at least, I dodged a bullet!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for listening to me rant about this and for all the encouragement and support and suggestions!!!!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!

10-10-2013, 03:39 PM
YAY!!!! That is so awesome when you expect bad news, and get good news instead - especially at the dentist! :) I had to LOL when I read about when they put the chair back. There is NOTHING worse than laying back and having to hold still when you're on the verge of a panic attack. Like NOTHING. :) Of course, I don't think it's funny that you don't feel well, but you know... it is funny to us because it sucks so bad! I was the same at my ultrasound yesterday. She's like, "ok, now lie flat on your back, and just reeeelaxxxx" - YEAH RIGHT LADY!

Maybe it will help with taking a med before your next appointment, and also that they know about the anxiety. My dentist told me there are a LOT of people with dental anxiety... A LOT. So they see it a ton, and probably don't think we're as weird as we think we are.

Glad it was a good appointment!!

10-10-2013, 03:51 PM
YAY!!!! That is so awesome when you expect bad news, and get good news instead - especially at the dentist! :) I had to LOL when I read about when they put the chair back. There is NOTHING worse than laying back and having to hold still when you're on the verge of a panic attack. Like NOTHING. :) Of course, I don't think it's funny that you don't feel well, but you know... it is funny to us because it sucks so bad! I was the same at my ultrasound yesterday. She's like, "ok, now lie flat on your back, and just reeeelaxxxx" - YEAH RIGHT LADY!

Maybe it will help with taking a med before your next appointment, and also that they know about the anxiety. My dentist told me there are a LOT of people with dental anxiety... A LOT. So they see it a ton, and probably don't think we're as weird as we think we are.

Glad it was a good appointment!!

LOL!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!! :) Yes, reclining in that chair is the absolute worst when you're freaking out inside!!!!! And then don't you just love it - not!! - when you have a mouth full of instruments and the dentist starts asking you questions?? Actually this lady today didn't do that. But I've had that many times before! It really does help to laugh about this!!!!! But at the time, OMG, the fear is so intense and so physical!!!

I can imagine they do see a lot of anxious people in the dentist's chair, and I did try and keep telling myself that I'm not the only one. Honestly though, if I had to have had something done today, the dentist probably would have witnessed the most anxious patient EVER!!!!!!!!!! Because even just having the x-ray and the exam, I was already super anxious and if the dentist had said, "ok, we are going to have to do a root canal", I would definitley have gone over the edge into full-blown panic! I didn't take any medication beforehand today because I told myself I would most likely have to come back for a second visit to have the procedure done. But next time I will really try and avoid some of this crap by taking a pill ahead of time!!!

Thanks so much again, HealthAnxNut!!!!!