View Full Version : Anxiety is taking over my life!

10-08-2013, 01:14 PM
I feel lost. I dont do anything i used to do. I cant seem to think straight even sleeping alone or walking somewhere on my own petrifies me! When will all this stop i want my life back! I really feel like i'm a shell of the person i used to be. I'm only 22 i shouldnt be feeling like this :(

10-08-2013, 01:28 PM
I feel the same way even though I have the support if my family I still feel alone and scared at 22 I also feel like this is starting to take over my life.

10-08-2013, 01:31 PM
*hugs* I'm going through the same thing. I have trouble sleeping after my fiance leaves for work. He has to leave at 3 in the morning and I get scared without him there.

10-08-2013, 01:40 PM
Same anxi3tyridden ive got all my family around me and my little girl but yet the fear is always there :(

And sweetiepie i feel sorry for you.

Ive even stayed awake all night watchin my daughter to sleep to make sure nothing happens to her and when my mom goes away for the weekend i'm a right mess and edgy all the time. Ive only suffered with this for about 7 weeks and already ive had enough of the anxiety everyday i wake up and theres 1 symptom or another there :( ive started to read a book on overcoming anxiety to see if that helps

10-08-2013, 01:42 PM
Same boat I'm 22

10-08-2013, 01:48 PM
I had my first panic attack last week. And I have always been anxious but since the panic attack I'm very afraid and I'm only a week in.

10-08-2013, 01:49 PM
Yeah mine got extremely bad after 1 panic attack and it came on suddenly i was lying in bed and all of a sudden felt like i was suffocating like something was sat on top of me :( most horrible feeling ever kept me awake the whole night and ended up going to a&e :(

10-08-2013, 02:00 PM
Mine was the same way I was in class, wasn't feeling good so my boyfriend picked me we went to a local deli and I collapsed in the middle of the store I couldn't breathe I was terrified. I ended up going back to the hospital last night because I still had the feeling someone was sitting on my chest and the ended up giving me a masking to help open up my airways

10-08-2013, 02:06 PM
Collapsing in itself terrifies me.

Hope ur feeling better now theyve helped you :)

10-08-2013, 04:59 PM
I feel for you guys, really..I'm 22 as well and trapped by anxiety, like it's my private little invisible cage that no one else can see. A supportive family is everything and really great..but they can't really feel what I'm feeling, which is understandable, but I still feel pretty alone too.. I really hate the part where I feel like I can't go anywhere alone..that totally sucks..and straight thinking is nearly impossible when it happens. I desperately want to be who I was before, and it's a long process to getting there..good thing we can all work it out with others who can relate on here..good luck to you guys!!

Olive Yew
10-08-2013, 06:35 PM
I'm 19 and I know how y'all feel :( when my parents leave for the weekend or I stay the night away from them at like my boyfriend's or best friends'... It flares up. Even though i've been feeling better these past few weeks, i still have anxiety. And just a month ago, i was in your shoes. Just dont give up... You are so much stronger than your fear.

10-08-2013, 09:39 PM
I feel ya. I'm 19 and I've had anxiety and panics attacks for years. And for multiple periods of time I just let it take over my life... I still do at times... And it just makes me feel crazy. :/ Just don't let it run your life. The best advice I can give is just face your anxiety a bit at a time. It may always be in your life.

10-08-2013, 10:14 PM
At skittleforge, that is very good advice. I am 34 and have been struggling with anxiety/OCD/ depression since I was a little girl. You are right to think it may always be in our lives. I think we all keep waiting for the day for this horrible illness to magically disappear, and for some, that is the case. But I think for most of us it will be a lifelong battle and we are better off learning coping mechanisms and joining support groups such as this one...