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10-06-2013, 12:07 PM
I keep getting this horrible sinking feeling like something bad is going to happen all the time.. 😥

10-06-2013, 01:11 PM
*hugs* I get this almost every single day of my life.

10-06-2013, 01:17 PM
I get this feeling too. A horrible sense of impending doom. It's very common with anxiety disorders. I try and distract myself and I also try and force myself to stay in the present moment (since the sense of impending doom involves a fear of something happening in the future). I tell myself that in this moment there is no disaster or catastrophe. And then I just try and take it moment by moment. I know it's hard though and I'm sorry you're feeling like that :-(

10-06-2013, 01:22 PM
[QUOTE="tailspin;121350"]I get this feeling too. A horrible sense of impending doom. It's very common with anxiety disorders. I try and distract myself and I also try and force myself to stay in the present moment (since the sense of impending doom involves a fear of something happening in the future). I tell myself that in this moment there is no disaster or catastrophe. And then I just try and take it moment by moment. I know it's hard though and I'm sorry you're feeling like that :-([/QUOTE
Thank god for you tailspin always put my mind at ease :) my anxiety is running my life at the min need to get hold of it again

10-06-2013, 02:03 PM
*hugs* I get this almost every single day of my life.

Hope we get sorted soon 😔

10-06-2013, 02:36 PM
Yeah I hate that feeling. It's like that feeling when you get when someone scares you.

For me, it is brief and really pronounced, like 2-10 seconds of pure terror. Totally irrational, wish I could will it to stop happening. Happens daily, several times.

10-06-2013, 03:18 PM
Yeah I hate that feeling. It's like that feeling when you get when someone scares you. For me, it is brief and really pronounced, like 2-10 seconds of pure terror. Totally irrational, wish I could will it to stop happening. Happens daily, several times.

I wonder and start to panic if I'm ever going to feel normal again 🙏

10-06-2013, 04:33 PM
I wonder and start to panic if I'm ever going to feel normal again ��

Aren't we all, but I truly believe the problem is that we wonder about too much! If we stop the wondering, we can stop the problem:)

10-06-2013, 05:05 PM
Sorry you're feeling this way Jamie. I get that similar feeling..I'm usually walking around with a mindset that something bad is going to happen any second..this mindset makes it really difficult to focus on the present cause I am always about the "what ifs?"..it's a terrible habit that I need to stop, because I'm ruining the present and ruining any good times I could've been having. A positive atmosphere can certainly help things. :)

10-06-2013, 05:06 PM
Really sorry your anxiety is bad again at the moment, Jamie! I know you said the medication was helping you. Maybe it would help if you asked your doc about increasing the meds? I can't remember what dose you're on, but sometimes it's necessary to increase the dosage.

Also, I know you said in another post that you were worried about some tummy troubles and not gaining weight, so I can imagine that is heightening your overall anxiety. Really hope the doctor can put your mind at rest about your stomach and that he can help you tweak the dosage of your anti-depressant too!

Are you back to playing football again? Hope so and hope you're enjoying that!

10-07-2013, 01:14 AM
Really sorry your anxiety is bad again at the moment, Jamie! I know you said the medication was helping you. Maybe it would help if you asked your doc about increasing the meds? I can't remember what dose you're on, but sometimes it's necessary to increase the dosage. Also, I know you said in another post that you were worried about some tummy troubles and not gaining weight, so I can imagine that is heightening your overall anxiety. Really hope the doctor can put your mind at rest about your stomach and that he can help you tweak the dosage of your anti-depressant too! Are you back to playing football again? Hope so and hope you're enjoying that!

Yeh I was just starting to feel a little better then the whole not sleeping hit me I would wake In the middle of the night all the time and still do I wake up on a morning feeling terrible like my stomach hurts and I feel breathless, I am worried because I just don't feel right at the moment like I'm about to be told some bad news about my self. When I went to the docs the first time and he looked at my bloods he said there is nothing on them to worry about. I don't really know if I'm loosing weight or I'm just paranoid I am my dad who I haven't seen for about 6 month said that I look like iv lost weight. It worries me because I am eating quite well, people say anxiety can make you loose weight because you don't feel like eating... But I do so that makes my Heath anxiety go crazy. I dream a lot at night and if I get my sleep sorted hopefully I can get better. My grandad died of bowl cancer and it really worries me with all the symptoms I have even though I have 4 brothers and there all fine. I need to start feeling well again so bad just want my old life back desperately. Not a haven't played for 5 weeks now just not felt well enough to play.. My manager keeps ringing me so I told him what's going on and he understands, this Sunday is my first game back for 5-6 weeks I hope it goes well.

Thank you tailspin

10-07-2013, 05:56 PM
Yeh I was just starting to feel a little better then the whole not sleeping hit me I would wake In the middle of the night all the time and still do I wake up on a morning feeling terrible like my stomach hurts and I feel breathless, I am worried because I just don't feel right at the moment like I'm about to be told some bad news about my self. When I went to the docs the first time and he looked at my bloods he said there is nothing on them to worry about. I don't really know if I'm loosing weight or I'm just paranoid I am my dad who I haven't seen for about 6 month said that I look like iv lost weight. It worries me because I am eating quite well, people say anxiety can make you loose weight because you don't feel like eating... But I do so that makes my Heath anxiety go crazy. I dream a lot at night and if I get my sleep sorted hopefully I can get better. My grandad died of bowl cancer and it really worries me with all the symptoms I have even though I have 4 brothers and there all fine. I need to start feeling well again so bad just want my old life back desperately. Not a haven't played for 5 weeks now just not felt well enough to play.. My manager keeps ringing me so I told him what's going on and he understands, this Sunday is my first game back for 5-6 weeks I hope it goes well.

Thank you tailspin

Hi Jamie! It's definitely good news that all your blood tests were normal. But I know that doesn't always put our mind at rest! Did you say you were going back to the doctor to talk more about your stomach issues? I think there was some hardness? But perhaps that's gone now. I do understand why you're worried about bowel cancer given your Grandad's history. But you are still really young and I think it would be super, super unlikely for you to have anything like that going on. It's much more likely that anxiety and stress are causing your tummy troubles and weight loss. Also, I'm sure that lack of good sleep is making you feel crappy. That's definitely something I'd mention to the doctor. He might be able to suggest some over the counter medicine if you don't want any more prescription drugs.

Good to hear you are playing football again this Sunday! Hope it goes really well!!