View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms

10-03-2013, 03:25 AM
Can anyone here tell me Symptoms of Anxiety? I want to know them!

10-03-2013, 03:39 AM
Hi, I guess you can easily google this. Guess diff individuals have diff symptoms. Here's what for myself...

When having Panic attack..
Difficulty breathing, shakiness, dizziness, tremendous fear. It mimic a heart attack. I have tests and all came back fine. Doc say I'm having anxiety issue

When not having panic attack, I do suffer from health anxiety...
Felt pain almost everywhere and getting paranoid at the slightest thing, media n googling of symptoms sure make it worse. Felt worried, upset and hopeless.

What abt u?

10-03-2013, 03:59 AM
My symptoms are constant and include;

Feeling off balance
Feels like I'm in a dream state
Blurred vision
Numbness on face
Trembling lips/hands
Head rushes
Jaw lock
Stiff neck
Weak legs, feel like they won't walk or might give way
Feel like I'm being pulled to one side when walking
Night sweats
Racing heart
Feeling faint when sitting still
Unable to focus or concentrate on things like work

10-03-2013, 04:26 AM
While there's a lot of physical symptoms that can occur, I think the most important ones are obsessive thoughts, hopeless thoughts, overwhelming thoughts, assuming everything is going to turn out for the worst. It can be mild, most people experience some type of anxiety, even if it's only mildly or a disorder, like it is for most of us on here.