View Full Version : Is this anxiety? Errrrr!!!

10-03-2013, 12:16 AM
OK guys...I am not trying to be annoying, but I have to ask this again. Just for peace of mind or maybe just reassurance...I don't know.

I have had heart flutters for about a month straight now. I have had them before in the past, but not this bad. The other night I was checking my pulse and actually felt my heart stop for a second. It was so scary and now I am so scared. I have been to the doc last year and a few years before that and I do have MVP, but has never acted up like this.

I hate this...it is so scary and discouraging. I want to get better, but feel like I can't...especially with heart symptoms.
Has ANYONE ever had heart flutters like this? Like all the time for a long stretch....they are worse at night, but I do have them all day here and there....

10-03-2013, 01:14 AM
I don't know if I'd call mine flutters but my heart seems to speed up, my breathing too, my chest sinks in. It sounds like anxiety. But people can also have anxiety over health issues too. Sometimes existent or non existent. And often is anxiety sufferers dwell on our symptoms and it can make it worse. It's a horrible cycle.
I've said this a few times but it may be good to find ways to calm yourself: yoga, meditation. Self hypnosis, exercise, relaxing music, a place you can escape to physically that is quiet. Forests, and graveyards are always the most quiet ( unless graveyards freak you out).

10-03-2013, 07:12 AM
Palpitations are normal. Mine skip or have double beats when I am stressed or have coffee(sometimes for no reason). Bottom line, they are normal, we all get them but many don't notice as anxious folk have learned to pay too much attention to their bodies. As long as you have no pain, dizziness, weakness, it's just garden variety palpitations. I only worry if my heart stops(:)) but that's never happened and I now know it's normal. Even cardiologists get them!:)
This is a very common concern and asked about here often. Alankay