View Full Version : Absolutely exhausted, please help!

10-01-2013, 04:42 AM
Hi everyone, I have been on this forum for a while but I am yet to post anything. I would really appreciate anyone's help. I have had anxiety for nearly ten years, but I have had increasing health anxiety recently (ironic because I am an emergency nurse). Basically I am a mother of two, I work four days a week, shift work, and am currently planning a wedding. I am quite busy, but no more than any other working mother.
I am physically and mentally exhausted. I don't know if this is normal, but I have had bloods and a ct that all came back clear (except iron overload that I already knew about). I am so exhausted that I literally get dizzy and foggy. I will be so exhausted after one day of work that I absolutely dread going to work the next day. When this happens I also get a bit derealized and spacey, and I zone out of my life completely. Is this normal? Does anyone else suffer with this extreme exhaustion? My body feels fine, but my head is so disoriented and my brain feels tired. I wish this would go away!! Thank you so much for your replies in advance!

10-01-2013, 06:31 AM
Hi Gemma, it sounds like too much stress may be the reason you feel so exhausted? I know that a lot of stress makes my mind really take a step back and just feel really depressed and exhausted and totally brain-fogged. Try to take some time out of your day to just relax and see if that helps. I like to just chill with some music and a funny movie that will make you laugh, or just spending time with people that make you happy... I hope I helped a little and good luck! :)

10-01-2013, 07:15 AM
This sounds like me, I think its down to stress as that makes you extremely tired and I have a rubbish sleeping pattern and have health anxiety so every pain I have I'm convinced I'm dying so I get even more tired and feel like I'm not in my body and feel spaces out like my brain just needs a rest

10-01-2013, 08:25 AM
Well with all you have on your plate, no wonder. ER nurse(high stress job) planning a wedding(lots of emotional load)........wowsers. No wonder you're overwhelmed. If you're also not sleeping well. There you have it. Alankay

10-03-2013, 04:10 AM
Thanks guys! I find that on my days off I'm not as tired, but when I finish my shifts I am absolutely drained mentally! I get the worst brain fog and I can barely function to cook dinner and read my kids a book!

10-04-2013, 06:34 PM
I'm a nurse too, and I swear since I started working at the hospital I have been ten times more stressed/exhausted than ever. And I do 3 twelve hour shifts a week. My husband can't understand why I'm always so tired! We don't even have kids yet. I work with plenty of people with young children and babies, they are not as exhausted as me. I guess it's the combo of anxiety and the high stress job.

10-04-2013, 06:50 PM
I'm a nurse too, and I swear since I started working at the hospital I have been ten times more stressed/exhausted than ever. And I do 3 twelve hour shifts a week. My husband can't understand why I'm always so tired! We don't even have kids yet. I work with plenty of people with young children and babies, they are not as exhausted as me. I guess it's the combo of anxiety and the high stress job.

I guess you are right, it's a horrible combination. When I was doing ten hr shifts I was absolutely ruined! I can't imagine how hard that must be, I do overtime up to 12 hrs sometimes and after that shift I am a total zombie, I can't imagine how you do it regularly!

10-05-2013, 06:25 AM
This sounds like me, I think its down to stress as that makes you extremely tired and I have a rubbish sleeping pattern and have health anxiety so every pain I have I'm convinced I'm dying so I get even more tired and feel like I'm not in my body and feel spaces out like my brain just needs a rest
Totally me!!!

10-05-2013, 06:30 AM
So glad I'm not the only one!

10-06-2013, 01:52 PM
Yea, I have this. It's why I'm currently self-employed and working at home as a writer. I get really, really sick from working a lot of times. Completely exhausted, completely lightheaded and incapable of doing anything but working. Once work is over, I literally can't move because I'm so tired.

I've always felt like a freak because everyone else seems to handle it so well.