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12-08-2007, 12:19 PM
Hi all,

My anxiety symptoms began very suddenly when i was driving in the car on my way home. My mother drove and my friend was in the backseat. I suddenly felt a bit warm and like i needed fresh air, so i opened the window. But it did not go away, it only increased, and suddenly i felt all weird in my head, like i was about to faint. I was realy scared and panicked and i thought i was gonna die! I didn't faint, but when i came back, i was trembling all over. My mother thought it was lack of sugar, but it did not go away with just taking some sugar.

So we went to the doctor, several times in the past years (this is 4 years ago allready) and everytime, everything was fine. I had a blood test, he examined my heart, not realy a hospital test or anything, but my doctor said there was no reason too, as i was perfectly healthy. He did say that i'm pretty nervous when i was there, as my heart rate went up a bit (around 100) but mij blood pressure was just fine.

But even as the doctor said i was fine, the symptoms remained. These symptoms were fatigue, sometimes worse than others, and sometimes none at all. I sometimes have this sensation in my chest, where i feel like my heart beats one or 2 times much harder than normal, and then back to normal. I am easily tired when i run, climb stairs and stuf like that. I also have a frequent pain in the left side of my chest. I'm pretty sure the pain is a muscle pain, as there is nothing wrong with my heart (as the doctor stated)

But what is realy annoying is the weird feeling in my head, I think it's light headedness, but it strikes mostly in school or in a car (when i'm not driving myself). I can not concentrate anymore and when it gets very worse, i need to get up and out of the situation.
This, however, states my opinion that i have anxiety disorder. I don't have this symptoms all the time, only in situation where i once had them, and when i'm bored, or think about it. When i'm doing something i like, i will never have it, it's like my body forgets to send me the symptoms, that's why i think i have anxiety disorder.

Unfortunatly, i didn't know it was anxiety disorder until a couple months ago, so i would like everyones opinion here on it.
Anyone else has the same sensation? Or an opinion on my story?

01-02-2008, 05:18 AM
Hi Neko

Yes it does sound like you are suffering from a Anxierty disorder, I get the same feeling's, sensations are you do, thing is you wont die from it so remember that!!

Wanna chat more email me

Take care