View Full Version : Nirvana - Soul Searching "long thread"

09-30-2013, 03:30 AM
Hey guys, so, after my most recent freak out (last night) I've decided to read, research life, understand how to open my mind so I'm not just blank or in a state of "Unknown" So..I thought maybe Mediation is for me! (I don't want to rely on medication) I thought, yoga, meditation is a good thing its free, its soul searching and its a better opportunity to spend time in nature (I love forrests and such) I thought the best way for me to achieve successful meditation and Yoga was to LEARN about it. get a history and depth you know.

Anyways I can across "Nirvana" Although this is not for me it was really interesting to learn about it, I've written up what Nirvana is but also my understanding of it for you guys to read, I think some of you may find this interesting but I hey I could be completely wrong! :D

Nirvana - To be rid of suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of these "Heaven on Earth" - Liberation of the soul from the effects of karma and from bodily existence.. An ancient Indian belief of finding inner purity for the mind and the soul. Being Free from suffering. Religiously Nirvana is looked at as a goal. Hinduism. Jainism.Buddhism and Sikhism are all followers of Nirvana.

However, Nirvana is considered a goal and is said to leave the path of rebirth permanently avoiding all paths of transmigration. To end the cycle of reincarnation - finding your pure ground of blissfullness awareness and to rid of all things delusional is to free your soul. Once your life cycle ends you are believed to then pass through eternal nirvana (complete nirvana) and continue with this power afterlife, This is why it is said to be a goal for religions to believe and to follow.

Rebirth and Reincarnate also differ - Mainly Buddhism believe's rebirth occur's because of circumstances which happened before. (past lifes) where as Reincarnation is the transfer of an essence, or a soul) Rebirth is a much preferred term.

This is one of many practices to "free your soul" although not all end the cycle of rebirth. Nirvana followers believe once you free your soul there isn't a desire to rebirth because you have reached the best goal in life and are rewarded in the afterlife "Heaven on earth" Rid of all bad in the world, rid of al bad thoughts, delusions.

To find yourself and to clense yourself without following nirvana, without ending your reincarnation/Rebirth cycle would be high happiness and infact soul searching on a different level you would practice your mind, body and soul to clear all bad and to get healthy. this can be achieved through knowing who you are what you want and having a clear mind - meditation, yoga and other techniques. (as can Nirvana but as explained its a different cleaniness all together) If you dont know who you really are or what you want in life or where to go you can again, meditate and do yoga to free your mind of stress, anxietys and worrys.

You decide and desire which level of happiness and purity you want to reach, if you want to come back you will, If you desire to leave the path of rebirth you will do so and reach "complete Nirvana" in your afterlife naturally. I believe your soul know's what you want. "If a Buddist desired to end there wheel of samsara (continual life cycle -Rebirth)

I haven't proof read it so sorry for mistakes!"