View Full Version : something i've been thinking about for a while

12-04-2007, 10:40 PM
first of all, hi everyone, first time poster.

so i've battled depression/anxiety/ocd and the entire web of mental issues that go along with them for eleven years now.. just over half of my life. these issues were exceedingly tough throughout my teenage years, and i constantly felt that if there were any way to get rid of them, that i would.

well, come this year and i switch to another new medication, and amp myself up to a pretty high dosage, and lo and behold, my symptoms are no longer noticeable. so some time passes, about six months, and things are going great, but then i notice something that begins to disturb me greatly: i no longer feel like myself. so i stop taking my medications for about 3 1/2 weeks, only to encounter some brutal withdrawals once the meds had completely filtered out of my system.

so, come yesterday, i visit my psychiatrist and half the dosage that was causing me distress. now, here i am today, feeling my symptoms rising up again and making life all the more difficult.

this whole situation has thrown me in to an almost crippling confusion.. even now, i sit at the kitchen table feeling extremely twitchy and uncomfortable.

with the backstory out of the way, let me ask a question to any readers:

in your experience, have anxiety or depression yielded anything beneficial to your life or sense of self? have any of you come across a good reason to go au naturale, or does the best course of action seem to be to apply medication when possible?

12-05-2007, 04:14 AM
I have never been a believer in medication. Due to my situation I did have to surrender and take it anyway. I can honestly say I would not be alive today if I hadn't had medication. That - together with therapi - has started to make a difference. I now belive that I'm really getting better. So to answer your question yes, I belive that sometimes you do need medication to be able to turn things around. But I also do belive that it is a temporary (sometimes many, many years!) solution. Some where, in the end, we have to try to find a way to cope with life without it. And yes, I belive that the positive outcome of all of this for me has been to reconsider my life - or the way I have been living my life (NOT EASY!) and some where learn to love and take care of myself.
All the best to you.