View Full Version : Dystonia Mum now experiencing social anxiety/phobia

09-29-2013, 06:53 PM
Hi, Im a 32 year old mum from Australia. I have had anxiety since a child, which has flared up these past 2 years due to developing Cervical Dystonia. I have chronic pain everyday and experience muscle spasms, jerking, tremors (mostly when I'm very stressed), carpal tunnel in my right hand, chronic pain in my neck, head and shoulders. I have also developed social anxiety/phobia due to my condition and hate going out and having people stare at me. I also become anxious when speaking to someone and lose total concentration and experience racing heartbeat, etc. The condition has also caused me to suffer depression. Some days are worse than others, and some days I feel very anxious and others not so much. I am taking Lexapro at the moment which helps a little. I don't have anyone to talk to about my anxiety and depression as most people aren't interested in listening.