View Full Version : best medication..

09-29-2013, 04:16 PM
Hey guys ive had a rough few days, arguing with myself about intrusive theughts, bad anxiety, depersonlization and derealization, and today, almost a full blown panic attack...i havent had one in a few years! Hot sweats, stomachs pain, heart beating too fast and anything!

I really am bad I cant handle anymore, im really skeptical of medication, what if it makes me worse?? What if it doesnt work? Ive tried everything. Ive had spells of happiness but as always, short lived!! Im scared, im fed upim miserable

Im on the implant but dont bleed so its hard to know when im 'on' ive been real bad and moody for 2/3 days I want to believe its my time of the month but im in my head saying 'your not your just cracking up' as I cant proove I am. Im tired of being tired, anxiety really has taken its toll, fs , someone please give me guidance...tha

09-29-2013, 04:30 PM
Im numb, im mind blank. Im a shell of a person I used to be, I used to be always happy, outgoing somewhat confident, hang out with friends all the time, meet people all the time, now? Nothing, I dont recognise myself...

My happy relationship is suffering, my minds trying to convince me I need to break, I dont love him, its not right for me. Imagine that I know I love him, I want to be with him I couldnt be without him hes everything I want and need he understands everything and it hurts alot im arguing with myself, sometimes when I say his name it feels foreign, is this normal too?

I was on benadrol but it just have me palpatations, this shit is going to be the end of me

09-29-2013, 04:31 PM
What about meditation? Does it work

Jernau G
09-29-2013, 05:08 PM
Well there is always other things you can try. Drink tons of camomile tea, read a book about anxiety. Once you learn and understand what is happening then its easier to try and deal with it.

09-29-2013, 05:42 PM
Medication is a hard thing to start for a lot of people.
The thing to remember is, it's prescribed to help you. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work & although that can make you feel down, there is always something else to try.

I am on the 8th medication that I've tried, but it seems that this one is helping me finally. I am on Venlafaxine right now.
The medications I tried before did not work for me, but have worked for many other people. It's worth booking a double appointment with your GP to discuss your options.

If you don't want to take medication, I agree with the comment about camomile tea. It's great. Helps you to relax, helps to get to sleep & has no side effects. :)

Other natural options to try are things like Bachs remedies. Rescue remedy works for me in times of mild anxiety, but there are also the individual remedies that you can mix yourself to suit your needs. They're relatively cheap too & again, no side effects.

I hope you find something that works for you.

09-29-2013, 05:46 PM
I take a med and use the chamomile tea almost nightly. Meds can work, but the key is finding the right one and prescription strength that works for you.

09-30-2013, 01:09 AM
Thanks guys, I'm going to search the stores/ order some camomile tea. I did alot of research last night, It sort of helped me to understand where the cause is stemming from (why I am as I am) and I found I have an overstimulated Central Nervous system, this given me something to go off, im going to do a big ammount of research today, going to look at meditating to sooth the mind. If I find something that will work for me I'l repost about it, I have 2 tricks up my sleeve! If they fail...doctors, protential medication...and a therapist/psychologist, but hopefully I can work with this. here's what I found last night - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/

Someone actually posted this on a different thread a while ago and its really imformative, anyhow I read this and it desribes me to a T! as did some others, this one stood out:

"You often feel you are carrying the world on your shoulders, dramatic mood swings, emotions feel wrong, always being on edge or 'grouchy', you feel like you are under pressure all the time, constant feeling of being overwhelmed, always feeling angry and lack of patience, feel the need to cry all the time, depression

What you feel:

You often feel that you are responsible for far too many things, and that if you stopped, nothing would get done. Often you feel that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and no way to get rid of it. You are extremely happy one day and, for no apparent reason, become extremely sad or down the next. One minute you are optimistic and the next you are depressed. Simple discussions may seem too difficult to handle.
For some reason, your emotions don't feel right. For example, someone whom you care deeply about for some reason you now get a weird feeling from. You can't put your finger on it, and you know it shouldn't be that way, but you do for some reason. Or another example maybe, doing something you really like and for no reason, all of a sudden doesn't feel good and you don't know why.
Sometimes your patience seems like it is totally gone and little things that won't normally be a concern now become really irritating and frustrating. Your patience seems non-existent. Every little thing sets you off, even normal family sounds become almost too much to handle, and you have a hard time controlling your temper.
You may feel like you just can't get any breaks, or that you are under pressure all the time, with no way to relieve it. You may also feel that you can't stop either.
Everything's success depends upon you.
Every little thing sets you off. While you used to be calm and collected, you now find yourself angry at almost everything, and it's been a long time since you felt otherwise. When it comes to managing tasks, you find you have very little patience, and even simple matters make you angry and impatient.
Once strong and resilient, able to handle anything, now you find yourself breaking down into tears for little or no reason. You also may find that you suddenly feel the urge to cry, and you are not sure why, but you feel sad or depressed. Sometimes you may feel that things don't seem to be going your way even when they are. Or, you may feel that you don't love someone anymore, even when there is no explainable reason to feel that way. You may also feel that nothing is going your way and that there's no pleasure, or point in living. You may also feel like just giving up."

Jernau G
09-30-2013, 09:46 AM
Youre on the right track Sarah :)

You can probably pick up some camomille tea from your local grocery store.

And I recommend the book "hope and help for your nerves" by Claire Weekes. I dont have enough posts to link, but you can find it on Amazon.

09-30-2013, 10:36 AM

Just a comment on medication. I have been on clonazepam and sertraline for 18 years with no side effects. I recently went off both during the summer, just to see if I could. I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms that I couldn't handle. I've gone on and off Xanx, as needed. I'm mentioning this because I know there are always horror stories about how medicines can make one feel or there is a worry that they will become addictive. I'm just here to say that this was and is not the case for me. There are any number of ways to handle this anxiety.

10-01-2013, 01:40 AM
Jernau - thank you ive been focusing alot on my breathing ive been somewhat ok the past 2 days!

Perses- thank you thats really helpful, I just worry the meds will have a long term effect and il live in a mental home for the rest of my life hahaha if my new remedys dont work im going to see a doctor and il go with the flow as some say :)

10-01-2013, 12:40 PM
Best medication ? Exercise. Trust me, when I had anxiety I used to underestimate the power of exercise but when I do it, I feel great after! Apparently it provides the same effects as standard anxiety / depression medication apart from you don't get any bad side-effects and you don't relapse. It has more of a success rate than traditional medication. It improves my mood, makes me warm which I like! :D And it makes me healthy. I like to do it around 5:00PM just a few hours before bed because you get tired after but if you do it too soon to bed it can cause you to stay up.

Yeah, it also improves sleep. :D Other than that, rhodiola is a pretty good supplement to put on your list. It improves mood as well.

If you feel bad or have something on your mind, you can do breathing exercises. You need to focus on your breathing rather than the thought. You will then forget it the more you focus on your breathing as it will take your mind away from it. Just practice breathing anyway. Also, when you breathe in, don't breathe into your chest, breathe into your stomach and then out from your nose.

Best advice I've used for anxiety.