View Full Version : GAD & SA meds
09-29-2013, 11:24 AM
Have restarted Zoloft after having a baby but anxiety symptoms have escalated. Have been on it for 2 months but not feeling much relief. Have started counselling and will be starting CBT group therapy soon. Can anyone recommend a med they are on/have been on that's helped?
09-30-2013, 04:26 PM
Hi Sockpuppet. I did find Zoloft quite helpful for my anxiety, but then I fell into a bit of a rut and my depression got bad again so I switched to something else (Lexapro). I'm sorry you're not feeling much relief from Zoloft so far. Two months is a pretty good crack of the whip, so it might well be worth talking to your doctor about trying something else. Unfortunately it tends to be a trial and error process to find the right med, and what works for one person doesn't necessarily help someone else. Really hope you can switch to something you find more helpful. Also hope that your counselling and CBT are useful.
10-01-2013, 07:38 AM
Thanks for your kind words and sharing, petrified. It's so great to know others on here are experiencing similar symptoms and can identify and empathise when you need support. It really is a source of comfort and respite from the inner struggle.
As for meds, today seemed better so will give it a little more time. Had been on Zoloft previously and it worked wonders, felt more confident to be the person I feel I am. This time it's been a bit rockier and think the depression is kicking in a bit more. Will keep Lexapro in mind as I feel the depression is there even when I feel less anxious. Totally agree, 2 months is a solid period for meds and it may need tinkering.
Am hoping the CBT group sessions (am quite petrified!) help, luckily my psychologist is great and starting to use Cognitive Analytical Therapy to help catch the thoughts and map out thinking. Anything helpful will be more than happy to share on here 😊
10-01-2013, 08:13 AM
my two cents -- I don't find Zoloft works for anti-anxiety. I use clonazepam. I am glad that you are going to therapy and counseling.
10-01-2013, 09:20 AM
Best bet overall is a trial with at least 2 ssri's for a few months each. You may need a dose increase on the zoloft.
For serious GAD that really makes the doc consider a benzo a long acter like valium, clorazpate or klonopin might be tried. Some even will try lyrica or gabapentin(anticonvulsants) which can help. Buspar might also be tried but it's record isn't the best. Minimize caffeine as well. Yep, CBT/psychotherapy should be tried for all anxiety. Alankay
10-01-2013, 01:26 PM
Thanks for your kind words and sharing, petrified. It's so great to know others on here are experiencing similar symptoms and can identify and empathise when you need support. It really is a source of comfort and respite from the inner struggle.
As for meds, today seemed better so will give it a little more time. Had been on Zoloft previously and it worked wonders, felt more confident to be the person I feel I am. This time it's been a bit rockier and think the depression is kicking in a bit more. Will keep Lexapro in mind as I feel the depression is there even when I feel less anxious. Totally agree, 2 months is a solid period for meds and it may need tinkering.
Am hoping the CBT group sessions (am quite petrified!) help, luckily my psychologist is great and starting to use Cognitive Analytical Therapy to help catch the thoughts and map out thinking. Anything helpful will be more than happy to share on here
It's great you have a really good psychologist. That's wonderful! I really hope the CBT sessions will be helpful. I've done quite a bit of group therapy before and at first I was really nervous about it but I generally found everyone to be very supportive. Also, in a group like CBT where you are learning new skills, there tends to be much less opening up about deeply personal issues and it's more pragmatic, so that's easier too.
Good luck with everything and let us know how you are doing!!
10-03-2013, 04:24 PM
Thanks for your 2 cents guys! Have been up and down like a yo-yo but when I compare myself to a few months ago I think I must be less anxious overall. The CBT group therapy starts next Wed so will post updates to share the experience.
Perses - Have tried lorazepam a few years ago for panic and anxiety, it was really nice but ended up feeling really sleepy! I currently have temazepam to sleep. Haven't tried clonazepam yet, sadly in Australia the benzo family class drugs can be hard to get on prescriptions due to misuse/junkies. My doc even gave me the warning about temazepam and told me to only use it for 3-5 days max!!
Tailspin - My sincerest apologies for referring to you as petrified : s I get a bit muddled sometimes reading the different threads, gets a bit confusing when you jump around!! As I get really nervous speaking in front of new people and groups am glad to hear the focus isn't on me too much. Hopefully as the group progresses Ill get a bit better. For sure, will update progress and share stuff that works/doesn't as sometimes just reading someone else's approach/success can help : )
Alan Kay - Will certainly consider a switch if things don't improve. Wrote half of this post yesterday feeling not too bad and today have woken up really panicky : ( I know it's prob lack of sleep which makes it worse (bub is teething) Again will try to see doc and get something to add on. This roller coaster that is anxiety (& depression) is just so exhausting.
Thanks again peeps : ) x x
10-03-2013, 05:15 PM
Hi sockpuppet, no worries at all. It's difficult to get all the different names right!! Besides, I do feel petrified quite a bit of the time!!! :-) :) Sorry you woke up panicky today. I'm sure you're right and lack of sleep is making everything worse right now. It must be really tricky dealing with interrupted sleep on top of already feeling anxious and depressed. It's good you have temazepam to take some nights. I used to take that for sleep a long time ago when I lived in England. I actually really like that medication for sleep, but I don't think it's even prescribed anymore in the UK and it's definitely as good as impossible to get a prescription for it in the USA.
I can't remember if you've said already whether you are having any counseling. I don't have children but I can imagine there are all kinds of overwhelming feelings after having a little one, not to mention lots of hormonal things at play. Hopefully talking a bit about this with a counselor or therapist might help?
Wishing you many good days ahead, sockpuppet!!
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