View Full Version : Wtf? Woken up by a knock?

09-28-2013, 02:44 AM
This really freaked me out. I was sleeping and think I was in a light sleep phase and heard a knock. My mind kind of woke up and went back to sleep, and I heard it again. I thought maybe one of my kids were awake, and I got up and both were asleep. The knock sounded close, like it was from one of their rooms, which one is across and one beside my room. Was I dreaming?? Was I partly conscious and heard something supernatural. I do believe in the supernatural but not a freak on it. My moms side of the family, I was told the women are psychic. I seem to be a receiver: I have had passed away people come to me when I'm sleeping, and have heard sometimes a distant voice saying something if I'm in a more meditative state normally. I've had weird experiences but still Ty to find a logical explanation. SOOOO what does this have to do with anxiety?? Well now I'm anxious. Wondering what the f#€k just happened. Also wondering if anyone else has been asleep and ha something odd happen that made them wake up and feel anxious??? Btw I have PTSD, anxiety and panic disorder and since I was a child ADHD and OCD ( hurrah!)

09-28-2013, 03:03 AM
When the anxiety is bad, I hear kapow type sounds and jump awake. I also feel electric shocks, a falling sensation and once it seemed like the whole bed shook, like someone put their hands on it and rattled it. Fun stuff, huh? Btw, psi runs in my family, too. I'm a sender. I'll think about saying something to someone and they'll turn around and say "what?" Like I actually said it out loud. I also have the rare precog dream, but I never know which are precog until they happen, then I'm like, oh, I dreamed this! Not very useful. Lol!

09-28-2013, 03:21 AM
So you're a sender and I'm a receiver. Ok so sometime it is the anxiety too?? My house was built in the 1950s so it's not new. But unlike older homes. My house I grew up in was a farmhouse built in 1840. Yep came with 4 spirits too. I still to this day try to find a logical explanation for the weird things that happened there.
ANYHOOO... I don't normally get sleep disturbances. This was just weird because it didn't feel like a dream. But now I'm wide awake and TGIF so I can sleep in tomorrow.

09-28-2013, 03:48 AM
Any neighbors? Sometimes I'll hear knocking at my neighbors that sounds like its inside the house or at the front door. Anxiety is also a possibility. You never know. I try not to jump to crazy ideas first. I've lived in a couple strange houses, too. Nothing too scary. Well, I take that back. Our canning cellar was creepy as all get out. Always felt like someone was watching you from inside there! That house was haunted. You would hear people moving in the floor above, even though there was no one up there. And once someone made all the beds ... besides us!!!

09-28-2013, 03:55 AM
My neigjbourhood is mostly alseep... Next to me is a vacant house recently for sale the other side is a nice retired couple. I live in a quite neighborhood mostly of retired people and families. Bit I swear this knock sounded close by. And twice !!