View Full Version : Going on a trip

09-27-2013, 02:48 PM
So on Sunday I'm driving 7ish hours to Chicago to stay for 7-8 days and I'm so anxious that I'm shaky inside, increased heart rate, upset stomach, nauseous, last night I felt like I tossed and turned all night, I know it's all normal sensations and I should be used to it and accept the feelings but it's driving me crazy!

I almost want to say I can't go but then again I know once I'm there I'll be fine.

I went to Boston in July and was the same way although driving there which was 11-12hrs I ended up getting a terrible migraine which made matters worse as I kept thinking its a tumor. I think I'm subconsciously worried this will happen again.

I need to relax...

09-27-2013, 03:45 PM
Going to work for the last month in half, I've had to drive 2 and a half hours round trip. I work at peoples homes building stuff, but my anxiety for driving has worsened because of this long drive. Normally I'm around an hour for the round trip.

Well, you know how to deal with yours, I'm sure, and good luck! :)

09-27-2013, 05:57 PM
It's great you are going on the trip even though you are afraid. I really regret that I started avoiding my fears because it only makes it ten times harder to get back up on the horse (so to speak!). As you say, you know you will be fine when you get there, so keep focusing on that and keep reminding yourself that you can do this! You will feel really proud of yourself afterwards, and that is a great feeling. Good luck!!