View Full Version : Any advice please ! Thanks in advance :

09-27-2013, 06:25 AM
I dont know where to start..
I've always had anxiety since I left college. Probably because I didn't go out as much. My anxiety got even worse when my hairline started receding. Also I was taking a pre workout supplement for a year and I stopped taking it because it got banned but when I stopped taking it I felt like I needed it, felt like I had no energy without it. I used to take it for 4 weeks then stopped taking it for 8 weeks. Anyway I ordered a new tub an took a scoop but the first day back taking it, I had an anxiety attack an went to hospital. They said everything is normal but I went to the doctors a few days later because I was having trouble sleeping an the doctor said my bloods were a bit high but the hospital told me everything was normal. So she sent me for a thyroid test. Anyway after a few weeks after I had stopped taking it, I got a bit of energy back but now my anxiety is even worse.

So all these things, the supplement, the receding hair, the fact that I dont talk to many people anymore and also I became obssessed with the gym after I left college. Lost 6 stone 6 pounds. Started lifting weights to tighten the loose skin. They all contributed to the anxiety...

I feel like crap all the time. I feel as if my mind isn't here.
If someones talking to me. I'll be looking at them eye to eye an nodding my
head to what there saying but I feel like what there saying isn't processing
in my head. I feel zoned out as if my mind isn't there. And sometimes i'll think
to myself, " stop thinking, concentrate ". And it's annoying..

Same thing happens when im on the phone. I cant process what there saying
so when I come of the phone, I forget what they said..

Same when im doing things, such as reading a book. My eyes will be looking at
the words but it's not processing in my mind, if you get me...

I cant explain it..

Also my vision feels weird. Everything looks bright and most of the time when
I look around. Everything feels weird as if I feel dizzy but i've not got that light
headed feeling just my vision seems funny..

Also I cant get sleep on a night. It takes me hours and hours to get to sleep.
Or i'll close my eyes think about happy thoughts and I feel like im dreaming
but im still awake.

I have been to the doctors 4 times, had a thyroid test and seen a therapist.

Now im waiting to do CBT and the doctor has put me on medication but i'm scared of taking them incase it makes my hair recede even more. The medication hes put me on is called (Sertraline 50mg).

Sorry for long post lol.. Just wondering what I should do ? Should I take the tablets or should I look into something. Or is there any good books that helps with anxiety?

Thanks in advance!

09-27-2013, 06:39 AM
The med you are on is Zoloft. I don't know of Zoloft causing any issues with hair loss, so you are fine there. In fact, if the rapid hair loss is sonewhat attributed to stress, the med should actually help. I took Zoloft for a while, it did help my anxiety.
Have you ever been checked for low vitamin d levels? That can cause hair loss too. A family member of mine experienced major hair loss and after going to the doc, found that it was due to low vitamin d levels. The solution was to take a vitamin daily.

09-27-2013, 09:54 AM
The med you are on is Zoloft. I don't know of Zoloft causing any issues with hair loss, so you are fine there. In fact, if the rapid hair loss is sonewhat attributed to stress, the med should actually help. I took Zoloft for a while, it did help my anxiety.
Have you ever been checked for low vitamin d levels? That can cause hair loss too. A family member of mine experienced major hair loss and after going to the doc, found that it was due to low vitamin d levels. The solution was to take a vitamin daily.

It's not hair loss. it's mostly receding not actual hairloss.
Vitamin D.. I am taking a vitamin. I take one called Orange Triad wich has 1000IU vitamin d

Thanks for replying

09-27-2013, 10:26 AM
I've been on Setraline for 18 years. 100mg a day. No hair loss at all, no side effects.

09-27-2013, 12:13 PM
I've been on Setraline for 18 years. 100mg a day. No hair loss at all, no side effects.

Thanks !
What about weight gain ?
I heard people gain weight from it and I have a slow metabolism..


09-27-2013, 12:45 PM
Ssri's don't cause hair loss as far as I've read. I started losing mine in my early 20's(before ssri's) and haven't look back! Still half or so left which is better than none. I'm very healthy(knock on wood) so not too worried about the hair line(not that I like it).
As far as I'm concerned every day I wake up feeling well and not poppin' blood... it's gonna be a good day!!!! :) Alankay