View Full Version : Problems breathing

09-26-2013, 08:41 PM
Having some weird feelings today. Chest pain and feeling like its hard to breathe. And now that I focus on my breathe of course it gets weirder.

I have a pulse oximeter, pulse 82 oxygen 98. Blood pressure 115/71.

I'm not sure if I'm having a panic moment because I'm super stressed and was reading the other day how one of my friends has cardiomyopathy. Or maybe something is really wrong.

Any suggestions?

09-26-2013, 09:02 PM
I get those feelings too everyday especially under high stress and anxiety. These are all just normal feelings of anxiety messing with our beautiful and powerful minds

09-26-2013, 09:16 PM
Your vitals are basically perfect. Plenty of oxygen in your blood.

Olive Yew
09-26-2013, 09:22 PM
Yeah you're fine hon. I get that all the time... Having a moment now in fact. It has to do with your subconscious freaking out and stress biology makes your throat and chest tighten. This causes you to feel short of breath so you work in overdrive to "get more oxygen" when in reality you're sort of hyperventilating. As soon as you calm down it should go away. I find that sleeping on my stomach helps these moments a lot for some reason. Not really sure why. I guess it sort of feels like someone's hugging me.

09-26-2013, 10:33 PM
Thanks everyone. It's just such a scary feeling. And I've been doing so good recently, that it catches me off guard when it happens now.