View Full Version : Urinary problems?

11-28-2007, 11:50 PM
I'm been experiencing a slow steam when I pee. I am on Effexor for anxiety, but I believe this started happening before I started the medication. It also feels like my bladder is always full. It's a sore feeling, and if I apply pressure on my bladder....I have to go.
Not only that, but I'm having a strange pain in the rectum area. Very strange, not even sure how to explain the sensation.
These symptoms sound like perhaps a prostate problem, and I'm very scared. I can't get into see a Dr for awhile.
Has anyone heard of this as being an anxiety symptom?

11-30-2007, 05:09 PM
Hi cred

There are lots of conditions that can cause bladder problems and until you get to a doctor to get it checked out, there is little point in speculating about what it might be. I know that it's natural to fear the worst but ti could be a kidney infection or simply a stomach bug.

Biologically speaking, anxiety usually causes you to need to go to the toilet urgently - it is natures way of shedding excess weight in case you need to flee from danger. Having said that, I can't say that it isn't caused by anxiety.

I know it's not easy but try not to worry - at least until you've seen the doc.
