View Full Version : I feel amazing today!

09-26-2013, 01:54 AM
Hey guys..Sorry about my moody rant yesterday.so here's abit of positivity for you all! Today I've woken up feeling fresh and in a really happy mood!

Does anyone else get overexcited and a longing for autumn? I call it my "autumn feeling"
So I've just been laid in bed with the partner watching Big Bang Theory nice and warm whilst the autumn breeze is cool in the air and outside of the quilt! its been the past 2 mornings I've woken up excited and "festive"

I just love cold late year mornings! I hope everyone has as good as a morning as I'm having! :)

09-26-2013, 05:56 AM
Short lived! I think ive caught something and my anxiety invites itself in, my legs are shaking and I cant control it

09-26-2013, 06:49 AM
Autumn is my fave time of year. Lots of holidays. Lovely to see the leaves change. I remember as a kid shopping for school supplies and new clothes.

I like your phrase "Anxiety invites itself in" Anxiety is indeed an unwelcome guest.

09-26-2013, 02:40 PM
I like autumn too, even though it's still really hot here and September is often one of the hottest months of the year where I live. The air is so clear right now and the sky is the most perfect brilliant blue. Only thing I don't like is that the days are getting a lot shorter.

Glad you woke up feeling great today, Sarah! Hope the bad feelings that came later are very temporary and you get back to enjoying awesome autumn again!!

09-26-2013, 03:14 PM
I am the same way!! I live for autumn! My home is decorated inside and out. It makes me feel really good and relaxed this time of year. I love everything about autumn.

09-26-2013, 03:27 PM
The cooler weather puts me in a good mood too. Still have to drive everyday though. Soon it will be real cold

09-26-2013, 03:50 PM
I love fall and spring. It's still hot in Texas though

09-26-2013, 03:57 PM
I love fall and spring. It's still hot in Texas though

Yes, it's still a little toasty here in Missouri too. :)

09-26-2013, 04:13 PM
Yeah, here in the southeast you're "festive" mood brought on by cool, "autumn breeze" levity is still MAX A/C and aggressive circling of parking lots looking for shaded parking.

I'm envious and want your reference of a good realtor. ;)

I'm happy for you, though. Most dread the 3rd season. Try and recreate this everyday. As much as you'd like to think it's autumn stimulus, it's not, and you can live like this everyday.

...now I just need to realize that for myself.

09-26-2013, 05:02 PM
Yeah, here in the southeast you're "festive" mood brought on by cool, "autumn breeze" levity is still MAX A/C and aggressive circling of parking lots looking for shaded parking.

^ The great battle for shaded parking..that definitely sounds like my area, lol

I love fall weather. The crisp cool in the air reminds me of holidays and baking! It's a great time of year.

Short lived! I think ive caught something and my anxiety invites itself in, my legs are shaking and I cant control it

That sucks, Sarah..there's nothing like being in a great mood and then having anxiety kick in and rip it away..almost as if anxiety detects happiness and goes, "Oh no you don't!" .. Feel better soon!! :)

09-26-2013, 05:08 PM
It's great you've had a great day, anxiety is fantastic at spoiling just about anything though! I think it always feels worse when it comes on after a good spell. I like autumn through the window but it's far too cold where I am too enjoy it lol. It's scarfs hats and gloves on here. I'm feeling very jealous of everyone else's lovely weather :-( :-)

09-26-2013, 05:57 PM
Hey guys, really good to see that some of you enjoy this time of year too! Sorry to those who are in a warmer climate! (and colder) I had a nap as I'm definitely coming down with a cold or something but since waking back up I've been feeling 'OK' on edge but not in full swing!

I probably wont sleep tonight for a long while but hey I might of swung it in my favor - Some of you know I worry when my partner leaves the house for more than a few hours, some of you also know he's going away for the NIGHT! tomorrow! eekk...anyways, if I don't sleep so well tonight, chances are I'l sleep easy tomorrow and not keep myself awake worrying (Hopefully)

and yeah I know it really is the worse, you think "ok, all I need to do is keep this feeling..at least for a day then it might carry on" never like that, as you say Nevertoo...fear it definitely is like "Oh no you don't!" Luckily I had a really good morning, then the few hours of afternoon before I had a nap weren't really bad but as I say my legs were really shaky and I felt drained, but since waking up the on edge feeling eventually eased off...I've been playing games on my phone and I've also learnt myself how to crochet (Kind of, I was supposed to make a square but ended up making a triangle...its still a shape right!?)

I'm looking forward to another early morning, cool breeze, going to sit in bed and crochet and think about Christmas and the tree's turning...I know that sounds crazy but its not as half as crazy as my anxiety makes me think and feel sometimes! haha

Hope everyone's doing well!

09-26-2013, 06:05 PM
I probably wont sleep tonight for a long while but hey I might of swung it in my favor - Some of you know I worry when my partner leaves the house for more than a few hours, some of you also know he's going away for the NIGHT! tomorrow! eekk...anyways, if I don't sleep so well tonight, chances are I'l sleep easy tomorrow and not keep myself awake worrying (Hopefully)

Good thinking!!!

Glad you've had a good day!

09-26-2013, 06:23 PM
...I've been playing games on my phone and I've also learnt myself how to crochet (Kind of, I was supposed to make a square but ended up making a triangle...its still a shape right!?)

I'm looking forward to another early morning, cool breeze, going to sit in bed and crochet and think about Christmas and the tree's turning...I know that sounds crazy but its not as half as crazy as my anxiety makes me think and feel sometimes! haha

Hope everyone's doing well!

Learning to crochet sounds great! I've been teaching myself the whole knitting and crochet thing and trust me--the squares do not look like squares first time 'round, lol..mine turned into such an odd ball shape...but yeah, crochet is a really great way to distract. I find it quite calming.

09-26-2013, 07:46 PM
Thank you and NeverToo...Fear - That's fantastic! Who say's they have to be squares in the first place? I've just accepted I started a quilt but I'm now making bunting! :D yeah its quite therapeutic and its different so its keeping my interested :)

09-26-2013, 08:32 PM
Hey guys, really good to see that some of you enjoy this time of year too! Sorry to those who are in a warmer climate! (and colder) I had a nap as I'm definitely coming down with a cold or something but since waking back up I've been feeling 'OK' on edge but not in full swing! I probably wont sleep tonight for a long while but hey I might of swung it in my favor - Some of you know I worry when my partner leaves the house for more than a few hours, some of you also know he's going away for the NIGHT! tomorrow! eekk...anyways, if I don't sleep so well tonight, chances are I'l sleep easy tomorrow and not keep myself awake worrying (Hopefully) and yeah I know it really is the worse, you think "ok, all I need to do is keep this feeling..at least for a day then it might carry on" never like that, as you say Nevertoo...fear it definitely is like "Oh no you don't!" Luckily I had a really good morning, then the few hours of afternoon before I had a nap weren't really bad but as I say my legs were really shaky and I felt drained, but since waking up the on edge feeling eventually eased off...I've been playing games on my phone and I've also learnt myself how to crochet (Kind of, I was supposed to make a square but ended up making a triangle...its still a shape right!?) I'm looking forward to another early morning, cool breeze, going to sit in bed and crochet and think about Christmas and the tree's turning...I know that sounds crazy but its not as half as crazy as my anxiety makes me think and feel sometimes! haha Hope everyone's doing well!

Sarah... You and I couldn't be more alike. Lol like I said I love autumn and Christmas. In fact, my counselor advises me to listen to Christmas music when I get anxious (sounds crazy I know) but it's relaxing and helps because I love it so much.

09-26-2013, 08:47 PM
I know I'm about to get into bed and watch a christmas film! :D

Lets go carol singing together haha!

09-26-2013, 09:02 PM
I know I'm about to get into bed and watch a christmas film! :D Lets go carol singing together haha!

Haha I love watching Home Alone, I watch it a lot because it's a good Christmas movie that I love! I watch it like once a week lol glad I'm not the only weird one for being a Christmas freak

09-26-2013, 09:04 PM
I know I'm about to get into bed and watch a christmas film! :D Lets go carol singing together haha!

There's just something that's so perfect about Christmas... I could care less about any gift at all, I just love the time of year, the music, the looking at lights, the snow, just everything about it makes me happy,

Olive Yew
09-26-2013, 09:09 PM
yes, it's still a little toasty here in missouri too. :)

fellow missourian!!!! :d

Olive Yew
09-26-2013, 09:10 PM
fellow missourian!!!! :d

That was suppose to be a happy face -> :D

09-26-2013, 09:11 PM
Haha I love watching Home Alone, I watch it a lot because it's a good Christmas movie that I love! I watch it like once a week lol glad I'm not the only weird one for being a Christmas freak

Home alone is great!! I was doing so well, but my partner woke up and panicked (he sometimes wakes up and grabs things and mumbles) but this time wasnt nice, he tried pulling the mattress up so I left him, then I started talking to him and laid him back down and he was saying 'its all changed, I said what has he said everything, he said it was weird because this time he woke up and remembered loads of things' I said 'like what' and he was like, im trying to remember but I just know everythings changed, like years ago' and he was asleep again, Where I know hes not with it as hes basically asleep. Weirdly enough he was just saying today hes been overthinking alot over moving, hes lived in this house and this room all his life and now hes moving for good, also we took down a wardrobe other day thats been in his bedroom since he lived here! Im just abit worried about him but I think im overthinking it