View Full Version : Tired and dizzy

09-21-2013, 08:07 PM
Lately my anxiety's been manifesting as making me totally exhausted, as well as feeling off-balance and weird. I know dizziness and feeling off-balance aren't uncommon (though it's EXTREMELY uncomfortable and pretty distressing), but sometimes I get so tired I can barely stay upright. I'll get all dizzy and feel like I'm gonna pass out, and I get that tired, almost dry feeling in my eyes that people get when they're exhausted. It's annoying because I can't seem to go out at night anymore lest I get totally and utterly drained all of a sudden. The only thing that seems to cure it is laying down for a bit or taking a rest. I don't know if it's because my sleep schedule is out of whack or because I'm stressed, but it's all driving me nuts.

Anyone else have these symptoms/any way of combating them?

09-21-2013, 08:59 PM
Yeah, sleep is a big part of it.
Without it will put you off balance.
Try to get some good sleep in or quiet time whenever you can through the day or night! Helps a heap.

09-22-2013, 12:52 AM
The distress around dizziness is common. But in reality it's preventing you from overcoming the symptom. You have to let it come and go as it pleases and carry on with your day to day. Yes, it's hard but nothing in life is easy and you must practice keeping busy and not responding to symptoms with emotions or wanting to fight or fear it.

Your body gives out these symptoms to show you it's fatigued from the stress you've put on it. By then fearing the symptoms it's creating you're adding secondary stress onto an over stressed body.

The conclusion? Symptoms that continue for prolonged periods of time. You have to respond with nothing but apathy. But like I said, this takes practice. Don't assume it's anything other than anxiety causing this.> It won't harm you, even though it does feel horrid. Also look at your diet, cut out the processed foods, drinkk plenty of water. Perhaps try some neck stretching exercises as anxiety can create a lot of neck tension.

Chin down to chest and feel back of neck stretch. Deep breathing whislt doing - 30 seconds
Bend head back and look at ceiling feeling back of neck stretch. Again breathing and 30 second hold
Turn head to one shoulder and feel side of neck. Breath and 30 seconds.
To the other side breath and hold.
Then a sideways tilt (the move some people do to click their neck, don't click though). Breath and hold and the other side.

Do those 2 or 3 times a day.


09-22-2013, 06:53 PM
I appreciate the advice! This exhaustion's been driving me nuts. Usually it happens at night anyway, but it's quite a problem when I have homework to do or if i'm out with people and I suddenly feel like I need a nap. Sometimes powering through helps, but it's still totally annoying. I just hope it's nothing serious, but of course my anxiety is telling me it is.