View Full Version : Its going to be a long night :-(

09-19-2013, 04:21 PM
I'm really panicky tonight. Although not to sure why. I'm busy convincing myself something is wrong and I'm going to die tonight. I haven't got much wrong, just stomech pains, bad head and tired I'm convinced something is wrong and I shouldn't let myself sleep. Why am I doing this to myself :-(. I feel total fed up today :-(. I'm sick of all these stupid thoughts like when I'm in pain I won't take painkillers in case I don't realise I'm getting worse. I won't have sex or say I love you to my hubby incase it's the last time and I don't want it to be. My head is seriously messed up at the minute grrrr. Sorry for the rant just needed to tell someone :-(

09-19-2013, 05:23 PM
Anyone there???

09-19-2013, 05:25 PM
I'm here! I just messaged you.

09-19-2013, 05:27 PM
I haven't got it :-(

09-19-2013, 05:29 PM
Hi, I felt like that couple of hours ago & didn't die. Still wobbly but getting better. Assuming you have had this feeling before & you lived. Hope you get better soon.


09-19-2013, 05:32 PM
I'm like this every night it's total wearing me down wish I could get some sleep. I try and tell myself I've felt like this before but for some reason my brain always thinks tonight will be my last. Really can't calm down tonight. I'm so scared )-;

09-19-2013, 05:42 PM
Seems like your really suffering. I had sessions of CBT and it helped a lot. Desensitisation I think it was.

09-19-2013, 05:42 PM
You know what really helps me? To take a bath, and just curl up inside the bathtub. It feels really safe to be surrounded by walls. Sort of like how a cat likes to sleep in a box. You might even fall asleep in there, just don't fill it too high. Add some bubbles!

09-19-2013, 05:52 PM
Sorry you are going through this, Petrified... I just hate those long nights when panic is the star of the show.. hopefully you have someone to just be with you? Maybe to just sit next to you and comfort you and make you feel safe? Go ahead and rant and get distracted if it helps you...I hope you feel better soon!

09-19-2013, 08:11 PM
I used to have this problem SO often. It got so bad that id wake up breathless, in the middle of a huge panic attack. I did, however, find something that made it all go away. I found a song that I love. With a sweet, smooth melody that had a positive meaning in the lyrics. My specific song I chose was Carry On by Fun. Id have it on repeat all night long until the sun was up and I felt safe. Your subconscious actually listens to the music when you're sleeping. It hears the lyrics. And the smooth melody is very calming to the mind. (Hence, lullabies). I'd give that a try.:) I haven't struggled with thoughts of dying in my sleep since then. It's been about... 10 months? Maybe more. After a week, I was actually calm enough that I could fall asleep peacefully without the music playing and wake up well rested. And if you do wake up in a panic, just focus on the lyrics. "If you're lost and alone and you're sinking like a stone... Carry on". Of course, you can choose your own song though:)

09-20-2013, 01:21 AM
Thank you so much everyone I actually fell asleep and I'm still here lol. You all gave some great advice I think I'm going to try the music thanks. I'm also currently on a waiting list for cbt. I often have a bath when I'm really stressed, I like to take a book in there your right it does make you feel safer :-)

09-20-2013, 01:23 AM
Sorry you are going through this, Petrified... I just hate those long nights when panic is the star of the show.. hopefully you have someone to just be with you? Maybe to just sit next to you and comfort you and make you feel safe? Go ahead and rant and get distracted if it helps you...I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks so much I had my husband he helped me settle I actually had 8 hours sleep :-)