View Full Version : Seroctin works better than any SSRI

11-26-2007, 01:02 PM
I was diagnosed with Major Depression and social anxiety at some point in my middle school years, I don't remember the exact year. They put me on medication after medication, mostly different types of SSRI's. These drugs helped mildly if at all, and the side effects made them overall not worth the trouble.

I also tried many different natural alternatives. St. Johns Wort didn't help much, there were others I tried as well, and they didn't do much.

Then I stumbled upon a product called Seroctin. I decided to give it a try. To my amazement, this product worked extremely well. My symptoms all but disappeared. Social anxiety, gone. Depression, lifted. I was functioning like a normal human being for the first time in years. Also, it only took about 1 day until I started to notice the effects. Also, this product is completely natural and has no side effects.

Please try it. You will be cured. It worked for my sister as well. Drop the meds, they just cause more illness.

11-26-2007, 01:03 PM
If you google Seroctin, I personally bought mine from a website called suvida. I can't post the link, but check it out.

I personally bought it from this website. Good luck and God bless!

11-26-2007, 07:57 PM
Its amazing the number of people out there trying to make a dime off of folks that may be desperate for a solution to their disease that ails them. Find another way to promote your herbal placebos.

11-26-2007, 08:07 PM
Its amazing the number of people out there trying to make a dime off of folks that may be desperate for a solution to their disease that ails them. Find another way to promote your herbal placebos.

It's more amazing how publicly traded pharmaceutical companies sacrifice their customers health for the sake of their profits.

Do you work for a pharmaceutical company? Most likely. Do you own stock in some pharmaceutical company? Most likely.

If you want to call Seroctin a placebo, then clearly you are completely ignorant of its capabilities. If you want to shove toxic drugs down your own throat, feel free, I can't stop you, but don't keep other people from being cured of their ailments by something that actually works simply because you want to fill your pockets.

By the way, I have no financial interest if people buy Seroctin. I personally know that it works, and I know how awful anxiety and depression can be.

[Edit] Also, the only reason that I suggested suvida's Seroctin is because I can vouch for it's potency, because I personally used their product, and my sister did as well, and we were both cured. Although I'm sure there are other brands that work just as well, if not better.