View Full Version : This site does help....

09-19-2013, 11:40 AM
This site really does help.

And don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical of much of the info found on the internet; including forums.

After finding this site, and reading about fellow anxiety sufferers trials and tribulations with anxiety and panic attacks; it really helped me deal with the physical manifestations of anxiety!

Though, as an anxiety sufferer, “peace of mind” is most often elusive; reading about dozens of other anxiety sufferers with the same symptoms most definitely eases the mind! If you read through dozens of posts, it’s quite fascinating how predictable anxiety becomes and how common the symptoms you’re experiencing really are.

If going to the doctor doesn’t ease the mind – then chatting with dozens of other people (who’ve also received a clean bill of health from the doctor) about the SAME symptoms, really should convince you – I’m OK, this is just anxiety!

Example: I had a terrible time sleeping last night – though I fell asleep right away; I woke up around ~ 1am, sweating, racing heart and just feeling disoriented. In the past, this would have led to a full blown panic episode – after all, if you’re sleeping you should be at your calmest, why would I wake up with my heart pounding? Sounds like a heart problem!

Nope – I’ve read at least several stories of people describing the exact same thing happening to them! It’s not heart problems, it’s just sucky ol’ anxiety!

After 30 minutes of reassuring myself, I fell back asleep and all was well. I guess in situations like this – knowledge is power!

09-19-2013, 01:35 PM
Well said, u4ea! Glad you were able to avert a major panic attack last night!

09-19-2013, 01:46 PM
I have to agree with you I've got loads of tips from here and it is truly calming my anxiety. Everyone is so friendly and understanding and above all it's nice to feel like I'm not going through this alone :-)

09-19-2013, 02:19 PM
This site really does help.

And don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical of much of the info found on the internet; including forums.

After finding this site, and reading about fellow anxiety sufferers trials and tribulations with anxiety and panic attacks; it really helped me deal with the physical manifestations of anxiety!

Though, as an anxiety sufferer, “peace of mind” is most often elusive; reading about dozens of other anxiety sufferers with the same symptoms most definitely eases the mind! If you read through dozens of posts, it’s quite fascinating how predictable anxiety becomes and how common the symptoms you’re experiencing really are.

If going to the doctor doesn’t ease the mind – then chatting with dozens of other people (who’ve also received a clean bill of health from the doctor) about the SAME symptoms, really should convince you – I’m OK, this is just anxiety!

Example: I had a terrible time sleeping last night – though I fell asleep right away; I woke up around ~ 1am, sweating, racing heart and just feeling disoriented. In the past, this would have led to a full blown panic episode – after all, if you’re sleeping you should be at your calmest, why would I wake up with my heart pounding? Sounds like a heart problem!

Nope – I’ve read at least several stories of people describing the exact same thing happening to them! It’s not heart problems, it’s just sucky ol’ anxiety!

After 30 minutes of reassuring myself, I fell back asleep and all was well. I guess in situations like this – knowledge is power!

I'm new to this app and I couldn't believe it how many people are having the same and feeling the same symptoms its the worse thing I've ever experienced and would really like to find someone else my age as its really hard