View Full Version : At ER

09-18-2013, 01:03 AM
Breaking out in a rash, heavy breathing and stomach pains! So scared! Heart is racing

09-18-2013, 01:16 AM
Breathe please! Deep and slow. It helps although I'm not sure why.

What else is going on with you?

09-18-2013, 01:33 AM
Breathe please! Deep and slow. It helps although I'm not sure why.

What else is going on with you?

Not sure just breaking out in tiny dots, now I'm having stomach cramps and diarrhea

09-18-2013, 02:12 AM
Don't worry you are in good hands now. I am betting they will find nothing wrong with you. Maybe a few physical symptoms creeped up and set you anxiety off and caused more symptoms. Common cycle of anxiety.

09-18-2013, 02:41 AM
Don't worry you are in good hands now. I am betting they will find nothing wrong with you. Maybe a few physical symptoms creeped up and set you anxiety off and caused more symptoms. Common cycle of anxiety.

Thanks. They didn't know what caused the breakout or the stomach cramps/diarrhea. They gave me Benadryl and a steroid.