View Full Version : Has anyone else got ocd with health anxiety

09-16-2013, 01:10 PM
I'm fed up of checking for temperatures, swellings, how many times I go to the toilet a day, heart rate, breathing. Is any one else like me I've even dragged my hubby into it I'm always asking him if he's hot, do I feel hot? Have I got a rash? Things like that. It's driving me crazy how can I cope with this constant desire to check for imaginary symptoms

09-16-2013, 02:12 PM
You need to tell yourself - I'M OK! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!. Every time you get the urge to check.... I know..I've been there... checking lymph nodes out of lymphoma fears, constantly checking heart rate and bp, even going through a time where I was continually checking reflexes and strength to reassure myself I wasn't developing ALS or MS.

There is a definite spiral with health anxiety.... it usually follows a predictable pattern.


09-16-2013, 02:16 PM
That list is SO me I need constant reassurance but don't believe it any way. I will try and stop and I've actually only googled once today my symptoms. It's the checking that's hardest but I will try your advice thanks :-)

09-17-2013, 05:05 AM
It's not uncommon to have dual or more diagnosis. I have has ADHD sns OCD since a child. In early adult years a traumatic experience lead me to depression, anxiety and panic. My depression thankfully has gone pretty much. And OCD and anxiety go together because if you ignore OCD then you can have anxiety. The odd time I can overcome an OCD but its soooo hard. I'll dwell on it often. And I've noticed my 5 yr old daughter picking up a couple of my OCDs. But think she has a couple already. But I feel iffhwy don't drastically interfere with your life it's not a big deal. For eg one OCD I have is I can't wear daytime underwear at night-- I am always change. My 5 yr old daughter does the same now. But it's harmless. But yes the two often go together.

09-17-2013, 05:12 AM
I'm fed up of checking for temperatures, swellings, how many times I go to the toilet a day, heart rate, breathing. Is any one else like me I've even dragged my hubby into it I'm always asking him if he's hot, do I feel hot? Have I got a rash? Things like that. It's driving me crazy how can I cope with this constant desire to check for imaginary symptoms

Sounds like OCD to me. I have OCDs. If its not realty a major interference i don't dwell on it. And I am in the field of social and counseling ... Funny. What you feel others do too. For my OCDs i gage it on how it interferes with my life . If it is not a big impact i won't dwell on it.
Is there a reason you feel you dwell on certain things? Also if you are not on meds or do not get treatment look into if.

09-17-2013, 06:40 AM
Thanks I'm waiting on cbt there's 45 people in front of me on the list. I also got fluxotine and propananol yesterday. I had a fab day yesterday but struggling today I'm panicky and not entirely sure why :-(