View Full Version : Sensation when falling preventing sleep! Haven't slept in days.

Anthony George
09-13-2013, 04:35 PM
So I’ve been been dealing with anxiety for a couple months now I’m 20 and in college so this is really starting to take a toll on my life,

About 5 days ago I ended up being getting sick with what felt like the common cold. I exercised twice to try and work it out of my system and it seemed to help. However, 4 out of these 5 days I have not slept. period.

As of now, I no longer feel sick. but rather i feel this physical sensation through my body as I transition from being awake to sleep. At night I do my regular routine to sleep, which involves a 2mg dose of melatonin and a cup of chamomile tea. I try to make myself comfortable and start to yawn, as I feel my self drift off to sleep i get this very bizarre tingling sensation start at the back of my neck and immediately work it’s way down to my entire body preventing me from drifting off to sleep. I tried very hard to ignore the sensation and work past it but all my efforts were for nothing. Today I think I managed to get some kind of sleep because I seem to have more energy now than I’ve had. It is definitely fragmented sleep if anything. Currenlty I feel very bizarre, like a constant groginess that won’t go away. Yet I am perfectly capable of functioning. I am seeing a doctor this tuesday and I pray that it’s something medical and not some kind of unexplainable brain phenomena. The hazy information of the brain alone is enough to make me anxious.

I am currently not taking any type of medication and I have only experienced something like this at the onset of my anxiety which I’m pretty sure was hypnic jerks at the time. It lasted for quite a while but a dose of melatonin got rid of the problem and I slept soundly. This is totally new and it’s really starting to get to me. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of thing before?

09-14-2013, 01:43 PM
I feel that all the time. It's just your brain transitioning from states of sleep. If you become aware of waking up, you'll get this sensation. When you start to feel it, just get up and get a drink of water or something. Try not to focus on your breath. Definitely try not to worry about it. Hope you get better!

09-14-2013, 03:43 PM
I get it most nights like an electric shock jolts me awake or I randomly twitch. It's exhausting, frightening and annoying

Anthony George
09-14-2013, 11:55 PM
I know this is my post but have you tried melatonin at all? Like I mentioned above, the jolts that would wake me up disappeared after a while. To cope with the problem I would take melatonin before bed time to get rid of it.

Anthony George
09-14-2013, 11:59 PM
That would make sense because almost every time I lay down I'm anticipating it. I have recently been sleeping next to my boyfriend and he relaxed my body so much that the sensation didn't even come into play. However, I still seem to be having some bizarre issue with sleep. It's rather....lucid almost. I didn't even feel myself drift off to sleep yet I remember a dream I had very vividly. I never remember my dreams so this is a bit disturbing for me as well. The good news is that I feel better now because I'm pretty sure I managed to get some hours in. I feel much more rested now.

be u old self
09-15-2013, 01:44 AM
Dude u need magnsuim. It happens to me. Magnsuum will relax ur muscles