View Full Version : HELP!! Heart flutters have me scared to death!

09-13-2013, 08:40 AM
I have had heart flutters, but not this bad. They seem to be all day long. They are very scary. I had tests done about a year ago and all came back fine. I know a lot can change in a year, but I am dreading going to the doc. Does anyone else have heart flutters so frequently? I do have MVP, sometimes they can hear it and sometimes they can't. It's so unnerving and it makes me VERY anxious!!!! HELP!!

09-13-2013, 08:52 AM
I have had heart flutters, but not this bad. They seem to be all day long. They are very scary. I had tests done about a year ago and all came back fine. I know a lot can change in a year, but I am dreading going to the doc. Does anyone else have heart flutters so frequently? I do have MVP, sometimes they can hear it and sometimes they can't. It's so unnerving and it makes me VERY anxious!!!! HELP!!

Yes my dear , I have heart flutters, palps, PAC / PVC . I have had them for years!! They are scary but you just gotta tell yourself it's ok.. Drink some cold water, do things that take your focus of your heart flutters . I have had all the tests over and over...all negative. I've given myself these palps through anxiety . They won't kill us. I pray a lot that always seems to help me. Take supplements also. And talk with people who have the same problems... Message me or text me anytime if your struggling. 5099011787

09-13-2013, 09:27 AM
Thank you Kmann! I appreciate it!!

09-13-2013, 09:35 AM
Yes ive just had a really bad afternoon my heart just wasnt beating normal made me very scared and shaky they have calmed now but im very nervous now I feel sure im going to die and they make me wanna cry x

09-13-2013, 10:41 AM
Yes ive just had a really bad afternoon my heart just wasnt beating normal made me very scared and shaky they have calmed now but im very nervous now I feel sure im going to die and they make me wanna cry x

Your not going to die.... Breath and relax. Start doing something to take your mind off things

09-13-2013, 11:14 AM
Your not going to die.... Breath and relax. Start doing something to take your mind off things

Thanks.. they've just started again as soon as ive had something to eat scaring me now x

09-13-2013, 11:18 AM
Go to accident and emergency u need to see a doc I had this and I had abnormal heart beat they calmed it Down

09-13-2013, 11:19 AM
I'm sorry angieproc :( I know they are so scary. Im trying to keep my mind busy and it is helping quite a bit. The more you think about it the worse they will get. I'm pretty sure that's why mine have been so bad because I've kept my mind on them everyday.

09-14-2013, 01:28 AM
How u feeling today mistiblu ?? Hope the flutters have gone away.. mine have subsided I did get a couple in thw night that woke me up but I tried to ignore them x

09-14-2013, 09:23 AM
Have any of y'all considered gas?? Gas mimmick heart flutters.. after u eat or drink and u feel them take 2 gas x gels or chewables.. it always stops the feeling... this is more than likely the cause. People with anxiety tend to eat to fast causing gas pockets, swallow a lot which causes gas.. and stay away from carbonation. ..Its the absolute worst...

09-14-2013, 09:30 AM
I know exactly how you feel as I've had them for years and they always used to scare the hell out of me so much so that I've ended up in A&E twice because of them and had ultrasounds of my heart and multiple ECG's all of which found no cause.

Generally I get them in short bursts lasting a few seconds at a time but that can be spread over several hours but also I've frequently had them almost constantly for several hours or even days at a time.

They are unquestionably scary but also they are benign. You are not going to have a heart attack and very unlikely to pass out or faint and more often than not you probably won't even feel weak. This tells you an important thing. It's not your heart, it's your head. It's your anxiety that is causing the palps not the palps causing your anxiety.

The difficult thing I found with palps is that they feed into the anxiety cycle. By this I mean, you have anxiety and you get palps, the palps make you more anxious so you get more palps, you feel even more anxious so you get even more palps and so on and so on.

The trick is to break the cycle. It's not easy but it is possible. If you can I would highly recommend CBT for this as it without question really helped me in this regard. With CBT you will be able to fully identify what each of your triggers and safe guards are and there are likely to be dozens, how those triggers and safe guards fit into your anxiety and it will then show you how you can safely challenge your safe guards to show that rather than protecting you they are actually feeding into the cycle of anxiety. Once you challenge them you realise you don't need them, this then reduces your anxiety and breaks the cycle. As your anxiety levels come down you may see a reduction in your palps but equally you may not. However what you will notice is that your reaction to the palps changes and they don't bother you as much. This then further reduces your anxiety and can then reduce the palps you get even more.

Before CBT I got palps dozens of times a day every day and every time my anxiety would go to 100%. Now I get palps 1-2 times a day and my anxiety about them never goes much above 25% and the longer I do this the better it gets.

Good luck, you certainly are not alone and most importantly, you can do it!