View Full Version : Anyone else?

09-12-2013, 12:12 PM
Get completely out of breath, and a racing heart after seemingly small tasks. I get out of breath and my heart races just after changing my sons doper and it gives me a great deal of anxiety.

09-12-2013, 12:47 PM
Does it happen every time? Or just during certain moments? Just wondering if you could be anxious because you've had similar experiences with fast heart rates before while doing those tasks, that maybe the anxiety of you worried it will happen again actually causes it to happen again.

Also, how are you noticing the heart rate? Are you feeling it, or checking for it?

09-12-2013, 02:49 PM
Yes! But usually when I'm on the brink of a panic attack already... Example.. I was switching over laundry and vacuuming the laundry room.. Nothing crazy, and suddenly I couldn't catch my breath! Seconds later, full blown panic attack!

09-13-2013, 02:27 AM
Does it happen every time? Or just during certain moments? Just wondering if you could be anxious because you've had similar experiences with fast heart rates before while doing those tasks, that maybe the anxiety of you worried it will happen again actually causes it to happen again.

Also, how are you noticing the heart rate? Are you feeling it, or checking for it?

Not every time, just every so often... And I meant diaper not doper, stupid iPhone lol I'm noticing it because I literally feel it like I can feel it thumping and when I touch my chest I can feel it beating fast and then I just get that exhausted feeling (like I've just ran a mile or something) and you can feel your heart pumping and I have to sit down and relax to make it slow

09-13-2013, 04:35 AM
Yep I've had this before but thankfully not any more. I had it about 15 years ago when I found a massive lump and was obviously panicking that this was cancer. This was really where all my health anxiety started. I was so scared and so anxious that I felt I couldn't go to the doctor because I was sure he was going to tell me that I had months to live and couldn't face being told that. However the longer I didn't see the doctor the more I thought that it was certain that it was cancer and now having left it so long it would definitely be too late to treat it and so my anxiety levels went through the roof.

It got to the stage where I was sat on a sofa at work one day and my heart was going mad, loads and massive palpitations and I then found that literally if I so much as lifted my arm off the sofa, just raising it 2 inches, my heart rate shot up to 180bpm+. This freaked me out even more so and I was sure I was going to have a heart attack. In fact it freaked me out so much that two days later with my heart still going mental I went to see the doctor. He checked me over and said that he couldn't find anything wrong with me and asked if I was anxious about anything, I told him about the lump and he took one look at it and said "oh that's nothing" and I literally felt a rushing feeling from the top of my head down to my toes as all the anxiety drained from me - really freaky feeling - and almost instantly my heart went back to normal.