View Full Version : Elevators and work

09-12-2013, 11:26 AM
Sorry, I could find the phobia section. So basically, my work is switching the way they do things so that I have to take an elevator to even get into the building now. Can I say something and ask for a different route? Or can they legally force me to take it? I know I need to face my fears but this is a HUGE one for me.

(We used to go through a door that lead through a stairwell, but not we can't because it had a pin pad and we have to go through the loading dock now)

09-12-2013, 01:06 PM
What a nightmare! I have an elevator phobia too so I know exactly how you feel! I'm really sorry this has happened!! However, there has to be some way around this. If there was a fire, you wouldn't be able to use the elevator so there has to be some other way in and out. I would speak to someone at your work, maybe someone in HR, and ask if you can use the fire exits to access the building. Good luck!!

09-12-2013, 02:08 PM
What a nightmare! I have an elevator phobia too so I know exactly how you feel! I'm really sorry this has happened!! However, there has to be some way around this. If there was a fire, you wouldn't be able to use the elevator so there has to be some other way in and out. I would speak to someone at your work, maybe someone in HR, and ask if you can use the fire exits to access the building. Good luck!!

I know :( I had a panic attack as soon as they said it! It's rather embarrassing to have to bring up, I suppose I will talk to my boss. I'm really stressing. Thank you for your advice!

09-12-2013, 04:35 PM
Hi again shoestring, I know, it is a bit embarrassing......And I also know that I should really have advised you to grab the bull by the horns and use this as an opportunity to overcome your phobia!! And, it could be a good way to do that. Maybe you could practice riding the elevator say, once a week to start with or something? Does it help if someone is in the elevator with you? (It doesn't help me, but I know it helps some people). At any rate, I don't think you should have to overcome your phobia overnight!! So I really hope you're able to find a way round this!

09-12-2013, 07:51 PM
Hi again shoestring, I know, it is a bit embarrassing......And I also know that I should really have advised you to grab the bull by the horns and use this as an opportunity to overcome your phobia!! And, it could be a good way to do that. Maybe you could practice riding the elevator say, once a week to start with or something? Does it help if someone is in the elevator with you? (It doesn't help me, but I know it helps some people). At any rate, I don't think you should have to overcome your phobia overnight!! So I really hope you're able to find a way round this!

I will defiantly try to take it! Unfortunately they are making this change on Monday and it is Friday tomorrow :( I am going to see if my boss can arrange something else until I feel comfortable. I tried to take it today and had a massive panic attack. Thank you very much for your help!

09-12-2013, 11:56 PM
Let me know how you get on!! Fingers crossed!!

09-13-2013, 12:07 AM
Any building that has an elevator has to have stairs. No need to be ashamed or embarrassed. Talk to your boss. Maybe they can help you overcome your fear. Try not to stress. There's always a workaround solution.