View Full Version : anxiety in the calf anyone?

09-12-2013, 09:08 AM
the past few days i left like my right leg was sore first it was my hamstring, that went away now the past 2 days its been my calf, feels kinda cramped and tense maybe even a twitch now and then. Is this a common symptmon of anxiety? its been with me 2-3 days now. i walk fine for the most part but its the first thing i notice when i wake up :(
i have experienced muscle pain on and off the past 2 months but this freaks me out it could be a blood clot or something since i recently started sitting at a computer all day, im 24. Im freaked out.

09-12-2013, 09:09 AM
sorry not left, right calf

Dan Medz
09-12-2013, 09:36 AM
I have this also as well as body wide muscle twitches.. I was hoping to hell it was BFS (benign facilitation syndrome) which can involve muscle pain apparently. My MRI was normal. Been too scared to do an EMG. If you don't have CLINICAL muscle weakness try not to worry.. I'm being hypocritical saying that because I'm effing worried.. But I also know this can possibly be anxiety so that helps a bit..

Dan Medz
09-12-2013, 09:37 AM
Interestingly the main pain and twitching I have is also on the right side. In addition I have severe reflux.. another sign of anxiety

09-12-2013, 10:10 AM
Interestingly the main pain and twitching I have is also on the right side. In addition I have severe reflux.. another sign of anxiety

yes i was also having reflux and swallowing pain went and had a scope done and didnt have any damage or an ulcer. After the doc explain to my it was axniety after a mont of pain i quit thinking about it and it went away, the swallowing pain anyway. it was crazy that a pain on a scale of 1-10 mine was an 8-9 that lasted a month I lost 10lbs went from 116 to 106 in a month because of the pain and once something made since in my mind it got better.

still trying to deal with my muscle symptoms though and chest pain but that seems to be getting slightly better.

09-12-2013, 10:14 AM
I get this quite often and the pain can be quite intense at first I thought it was a blood clot but of course it passed

09-15-2013, 05:56 PM
I get this quite often and the pain can be quite intense at first I thought it was a blood clot but of course it passed
how long did u have pain for? mines been like 5-6days and has me worried

Dan Medz
09-15-2013, 08:04 PM
I tried the last few days dosing myself with 1500mgs (probably a bit much) of magnesium and after a month or so of this pain and twitching today both have stopped.. Interesting. Could anxiety possibly lead to magnesium loss? I do know that reflux meds deplete you of magnesium and I've been on Nexium so could have contributed also.. Who knows it may return and I'm celebrating too soon but we'll see. So far so good.

09-15-2013, 08:44 PM
I tried the last few days dosing myself with 1500mgs (probably a bit much) of magnesium and after a month or so of this pain and twitching today both have stopped.. Interesting. Could anxiety possibly lead to magnesium loss? I do know that reflux meds deplete you of magnesium and I've been on Nexium so could have contributed also.. Who knows it may return and I'm celebrating too soon but we'll see. So far so good.

I have magnisium suppliment at home I will have to try.
May of been the reflux meds may of just been diet and and lifestyle. I don't drink enough water mine could
Be dehydration or low electrolytes. Right now my anxiety is telling me its DVt but surely its not :-/

Dan Medz
09-15-2013, 08:48 PM
I've been through the DVT worries too. Always a scary thought isn't it lol Since also with DVT sometimes it can even be asymptomatic. Not something us folks should ever be told ha

Dan Medz
09-15-2013, 08:49 PM
But yeah Gatorade and magnesium it up. See how it goes and let us know if there is a change. All the best.

09-15-2013, 09:00 PM
When you were worrying about it did u have calf pain that lasted for 5 or so days?

Dan Medz
09-15-2013, 11:04 PM
Had it over a month. It wasn't agony exactly but painful nonetheless.

09-16-2013, 04:14 PM
Mine lasted about a week and then passed. It comes now and again now and still freaks me out though I no dvt is normally quick I'm still convinced that's whats wrong. I think anxiety makes us blow all symptoms way out of proportion

09-16-2013, 10:25 PM
yeah mine feels like tightness but sometimes twitchy ;-/ could be dehydrated i guess