View Full Version : Which causes which

09-12-2013, 06:03 AM
When I went to the hospital for gallbladder problems, doc.put me on prilosec for a ulcer/gastritis/gerd. Told me to take 2 pills in am and 2in pm . Well I couldn't imagine taking 4 a day so I only take 2 a day..well when I don't take the prilosec, I am constantly burping, gas build up in chest scary-anxiety panicky cause my chest feels weird. Really as of now, this is what sets my panic off.. I don't drink sodas for the reason of gas... well my question is do u think my anxiety is caused by gerd/gastritis or do u think my anxiety is causing the gerd/gastritis.. I'm confused....Don't know exactly what it could be.. my main symptoms is my my CHEST

09-12-2013, 06:49 AM
I have the exact same thing the gerd most of the time can be attributed to anxiety mine starts when I'm anxious or vice versa. It sucks.

09-12-2013, 06:51 AM
What about excessive gas?? I don't hear a lot with excessive gas....

09-12-2013, 06:59 AM
Well I personally get gassy and burp a lot I'm not sure about other people though.

09-12-2013, 09:05 AM
i had sever pain swallowing for about a month had a scope, X-ray, ultrasound, everything fine, found out i have a hyperactive gallbladder though whatever that means. but that wouldnt cause chest pain. Anyway i had all the symptoms of GRED but mine came on SUDDENLY. one doc told me it could be a form of globus or esophageal dysphasia where your muscles tense up. I read symptoms that mimic heartburn can occur, for me it did anyway. Well after the doc told me it was just anxiety i quit focusing on it so much and it went away in like a week! lol still having occasional chest pain and muscle tightness though :( trying to figure that out.