View Full Version : blushot line across my eyes.

09-11-2013, 05:12 PM
Some people have said they get blood shot eyes from anxiety& I've never knew what mine meant.
Every so often my eyes have like a line across the middle of them of just blood shot. It's really worried me& confused me! Can anyone relate?

09-11-2013, 05:22 PM
Some people have said they get blood shot eyes from anxiety& I've never knew what mine meant.
Every so often my eyes have like a line across the middle of them of just blood shot. It's really worried me& confused me! Can anyone relate?

Yeah bloodshot eyes are no fun. My friends puppy got stuck in a forest once. I went into get it, and caught a stick in the eye. Ouch, right?! Ok, different reason for having one, but I get that they look concerning.(and p.s. got that puppy out ok!)

Do you get proper sleep? Like an uninterrupted night? No boyfriend kicking at you in his dreams waking you up every 5 mins?

09-29-2013, 06:57 AM
No boyfriend kicking me or punching me in the face, no.. Haha. Nah, I really do struggle to sleep, I usually get about 4 hours sleep per night, which I'm sure isn't good for the anxiety at all!