View Full Version : Whats wrong with me?

11-21-2007, 06:05 PM
I am a 23 year old female and im tired of living life like this. Everyday is a constant worry about the bad things that are going to happen, its so bad i cannot enjoy life anymore. I dont like to drive anywhere, i stay at home as much as possible, but even then im fearing the worst about things that can happen here. If my husband is a few minutes late from work i freak out thinking he must be in an accident or something. It feels like my mind cant stop racing with all the thoughts of bad things happening, i cant sleep at night because of it. I am losing weight very rapidly over my worry and my marriage is going down the drain. I have only 1 friend because i freak out around too many people when their are crowds or its too noisy. Right now the docs have me on prozac and klonopin. I havent seen a therapist yet, but am trying to get an appointment to see someone soon. I just need to know that im not alone in this and get some insight into this and what is wrong with me! :wail:

So far i have not been diagnosed with anything, they just put me on some meds until i can get to a doc who can diagnosis me, but they are thinking i have anxiety disorder and part OCD, and part bi-polar. Any insight would be great!

Freaking out!
11-23-2007, 07:05 AM
NO WAY are you alone !! ;) .

We all have unique circumstances on this forum but virtually every person here is on the same miserable path of painful anxiety that interrupts their daily lives. You are not alone, in fact my symptoms are so severe that I frequently consider suicide :oops:

Prozac never did me any good although it may help you. Give it a little time and see if it makes you feel any better, if not then chunk it and tell your doctor to try again. I have heard good things about klonopin ( in reference to anxiety ) so it may hopefully reduce your emotional overload and finally allow you to react favorably to normal stress.

Progress is sometimes very up and down so prepare yourself. It's normal to have setbacks when dealing with this powerful disorder so don't think it strange when you just feel like giving up. Just do the best that you can.

11-24-2007, 06:14 AM
im also here on the same path a 23 year old male with the same problem when it hit me i thougt i was going fuckin crazy and it would scare me.On top of that im a hypochondriac and with anxiety in play i often went to the hospital with bp of 160 over 120 but ive learned through talking with others and knowing im not alone, to cope without meds but a bit more alcohol perhaps nobody's perfect

11-28-2007, 11:55 AM
I know exactly what you are going through. I am going to be 27 in a couple days and have been dealing with this for about 9 yrs. I passed out one day and ever since then I am scared to death to pass out. That is where all of my anixety stems from. I am scared to drive but I make myself because I know that I can not sit at home forever. Once I am out I turn it to talk radio or talk on the phone to get my mind off of it. I am scared that my heart will just stop while I am driving. I have a 16 mth old son too which makes it worse and better. Better because I refuse to let him have a mom who wont leave the house and worse because I get worried while driving and his is in the car. I am also married. My husband is a firefighter whose constantly gone fighting fires or whatever the case may be. He doesnt worry about anything either and tells me that it accomplishes nothing. He listens to me but thinks I am scared of everything <- which I am but dont like the way that he says it. I finally had to tell him "Do you think I want to live like this?!" Its very easy for people who have never experienced anxiety to blow it off and tell us to just get over it. I personally have not been on medication or been to therapy. I have heard that meds can actually make it worse so if I were you I would try the therapy first and then go from there. Try to take one day at a time too. Know that this is not going to kill you but will just be a huge pain in the ass! Find things that make you happy and calm you down. Read, Write, Whatever! I go to church and read wonderful books that help me realize that no matter how bad life gets we still have to live it. Know that there is someone else out there going through the same thing and even someone whose going through worse. Write to your husband all of your thoughts, worries, and concerns. He loves you and hopefully will try to understand where you are coming from. Make yourself do the things you think you can not do to be shown that you CAN do them. Things get easier that way. Thats what I did. I was scared to drive to I just drove out of the neighborhod and then back. Once I knew that way okay I drove to walmart and then went in and so on from there. Sometimes I have to start over if I get scared while driving but as long as I keep at it it helps me. I hope that this helps. Know that you are never alone and thousands of people are going through the same thing you are going through.
