View Full Version : Physical/mental

09-10-2013, 07:17 AM
I am finding the lines to be very blurred and I'm not sure where my physical and mental symptoms begin and end. Can anyone help me by outlining the typical physical and mental affects of anxiety and depression?

09-10-2013, 06:37 PM
I am finding the lines to be very blurred and I'm not sure where my physical and mental symptoms begin and end. Can anyone help me by outlining the typical physical and mental affects of anxiety and depression?

It varies from person to person, what are you feeling?

09-11-2013, 04:16 AM
I don't go out much as when I do I feel dizzy and spaced out i feel very lethargic and unmotivated I can't stand being around people but I struggle if I'm away from my family for too long. I'm not very good at explaining it.

09-11-2013, 07:42 AM
To be concise,
Anxiety: Worry, fear, distress, a sense of impending doom, high tension, rapid pulse, tremor, shaking, elevated BP all from adrenaline and worry. An active negative state. Fright.
Depression: Sadness, no energy, strong gloominess, loss no appetite and sex drive common, poor sleep common, no hope or reason to be happy and loss of interest in things you enjoyed and found pleasurable before. A very negative passive emotion much stronger and persistent than just boredom.
They are both or either have to be so bad as they interfere with normal functioning for approx 2 weeks(give or take depending) and have no medical basis(infection, thyroid issue, etc).
Even the healthiest have some fear and or/gloominess at times but is a minor deal that passes quickly and is specific to a given situation.

09-11-2013, 08:25 PM
Often the symptoms you get feel much different to you then what is written out on a page, try not to over analyze your symptoms as it can just make them worse. Do your best to do something productive everyday, and think about the good things that have happened to you that day on a regular basis. Night time is when you will analyze everything that's happened more and if you can focus on the one or more good things that happened to you that day you'll sleep far easier.

09-12-2013, 05:01 AM
I over analyse every second of every day.

09-12-2013, 07:24 PM
You feel like life sux and is a challenge every day, right? Do you like to read? Do you have anyone to talk to?

09-14-2013, 03:18 PM
I read I lot which helps some but I haven't really got anyone to talk to ppl are very judgemental

09-14-2013, 03:39 PM
I read I lot which helps some but I haven't really got anyone to talk to ppl are very judgemental

If you ever need anyone to speak to I'm just a private message away :)
I won't judge, just to listen and advise!
But I get how you feel, it's hard to trust and talk to people you know :/

09-14-2013, 04:59 PM
Thank you. Physical illness is easier to understand I guess if ppl I knew knew exactly what went on in my head they'd think I was crazy :/

09-15-2013, 10:46 AM
I definitely suffer with anxiety and think I have for a while, recent changes in my life have caused my anxiety to worsen (stress) but I'm not sure whether I am also suffering with mild depression as I have lost interest in a lot of things, I'm sad quite a lot. I tend to be ok around people although that has started to waiver recently with worrying, over analysing everything things are always in the back of my mind. I've also not been sleeping well. I have to really push myself to do things with friends and family, although it seems people haven't noticed. I feel alone and like no one understands.

My fiancé recently broke up with me but I think he is suffering with depression but won't get help, I find it hard to get people to understand and everyone is constantly giving me opinions which confuses me.

I've been having CBT therapy from the doctors but tbh I feel it's just highlighted my problems. I've started taking vitamin b tablets and St. John's wort to try and lift my mood.

09-15-2013, 03:30 PM
Thank you. Physical illness is easier to understand I guess if ppl I knew knew exactly what went on in my head they'd think I was crazy :/

I get what you mean :) there's certain things that you keep bottled up incase of that. If you have a true friend, when you're ready speak to them. It really helps and I promise they won't find you crazy 😊

09-15-2013, 04:00 PM
Can't ever see that happening I'm an expert at covering things up tho I'm losing my disguise a bit.