View Full Version : eye floaters!!!!!!!

09-08-2013, 04:24 PM
Hello. If my eye floaters clouds squiggles dots cob webs... Desturb my vision,on a day to day basis.. Will they ever go.??? I get em in every light going... They depress me... Scare me... If I learn to relax will they go!!!! :( is it stress causing em!!! I see loads in both eyes:( sux:(((((( hate em.... Can't help but to notice em... I no I have stress depression.. Not had panic attack in a yr n a bit now... Have physical anxiety symptoms every day. Eye pressure dizziness sickness chest pressure burning jelly... Wish I was normal :(

09-08-2013, 06:36 PM
I see then all day also! I have horrible eyesight though. They drive me crazy, so aggravating! I didn't know eye pressure was from anxiety, that explains why when I have an attack I fear going blind

09-10-2013, 02:43 PM
Hello think I have these only noticed the other day thought it was a cobweb then realised its my right eye. Only happens when I look at White or grey wall. Does anxiety cause this or is it something serious? ??? Xx