View Full Version : Hows everyone feeling?

09-08-2013, 09:14 AM
I'm feeling rubbish.. having arm pain burning pain in my breast and shortness of breathe :( All left side... just can't b bothered to do anything :(

09-08-2013, 09:21 AM
Sorry you're feeling crappy. :(
I woke up this morning feeling like crap too. My sinuses are acting up (not too badly) and I have a pain in the center of my chest that is bugging me a little bit. I also feel so sleepy.
None of this is anxiety related, but I'm sure that will come later today, lol.

09-08-2013, 09:51 AM
Thank u. I'm just sick of it :( I'm sick of fighting for breathe having sore arm And chest pain makes me worry so much wen I get it all together :( and wen new symptoms come on

09-08-2013, 10:00 AM
My sinuses have been bugging me pretty badly as of late. And I have this constant feeling of something in my throat, along with my heart racing. Just reminding myself I only have to get through todays work, then tomorrow I get to do something I enjoy.

09-08-2013, 03:29 PM
I have sinus problems too. The problems are pretty constant. Today I felt nauseated and anxious when I woke up. I tried to keep busy this morning and did a ton of cleaning. I cleaned all the wood floors with a wet mop and then toweled them dry. And I cleaned the kitchen thoroughly. I didn't feel very well physically while I was doing it, but it felt good to be doing something. And the work really needed to be done. I feel a bit better now, but my allergies are going nuts (probably from the cleaning!) and my nose is completely blocked and head is in a fog!!

09-08-2013, 03:39 PM
I love cleaning my house. I like taking care of everything at home...I guess I'm super proud of the nice things that we have, so I like to keep them nice.
It feels good to be doing something, but with my anxiety I get so dizzy sometimes that I cannot finish. I have to do it another day...I used to keep this place spotless and neat. I feel like I've been slacking.

Today was different though. I had chest pains when I woke up, but they went away after I took some advil.
I ate some lunch, browsed online, posted on here, cleaned my kitchen, showered, and now I'm back on here and I'll be starting dinner soon.
I've been looking like crap when hubby gets home from work lately...jeans and a tshirt that is a bit too big with minimal to no makeup on and my hair is pulled back in a messy bun.
I know he gets tired of seeing me that way and I get tired of looking that way, so I'm going to make sure that I look nice.

I feel good today...just slight dizziness...nothing major, so I was able to get some things done and I'll be able to make sure that I look nice when he gets home.
I'm rather excited lol.