View Full Version : anxiety attack while driving

09-05-2013, 05:26 PM
Hi everyone,

I am relatively new here. I have anxiety but don't take any medication. It doesn't come to me very often and when it does, I am able to control it. I can tell when its coming because I feel something starting at the pit of my stomach and then start to move on up. My last bad anxiety attach was about 4 years ago. It didn't get out of control, but it was heading there. I was able to control it and after that moment, I hadn't had any until yesterday. While I was driving home from work, I had this weird feeling. I was in the highway and stuck in traffic. I felt it start at the pit of my stomach again. I was managing to control it, but I noticed it getting worse. My neck also felt as if it was closing up. You see, the past week to week and a half, I had started feeling like there was something in my neck or the worry(not really fear) that my throat would all of a sudden close up. Ya, I know, it sounds kinda stupid. Well during the past couple days I had felt it get a little worse. It would start to happen towards the end of my work shift, around 4pm or 5pm I noticed. Well I never paid any attention to it, but the combination of my anxiety while driving and my neck feeling like it was going to close made my anxiety worse. Just fyi, I breath fine. When I open my mouth, the air comes in and leaves normally. It's just the FEELING that it's going to close that sucks. Well I decided to take the back roads because the highway was stuck in traffic. As I was driving, I started feeling light headed and weak. I really have never felt this way before, which made it worse. I felt as if I was going to faint. I figured I was feeling that way because I haven't eaten in a couple hours so I decided to stop at a Wendy's. I got food and started eating a little. There was a gas station next to Wendys and I went to fill up gas for my car. Well, I think that's when it hit me hard. I felt so weak that I couldn't get out of the car. I just sat there waiting for this to pass by. I sat and started eating my food. I really felt lightheaded and as if I was going to pass out. I never felt this way before so I was worried. I new I had a panic attack, but I didn't know why I was going to faint. Anyways to make the long story short, I somehow managed to fill up gas in my car and drive home(feeling very faint). I got home and my wife took my blood pressure. It was fine. Now I feel my neck getting stiff. I know it's part of my anxiety, but it's now hitting a different part of my body. The first time I had it about 5-7 years ago, it was my chest. BTW I am 34 no kids. I get stressed, just like the avg. joe, but it's nothing I can't handle. I woke up this morning feeling fine, but my neck feels like it's going to close again. I know what it is and I know what I'm having, but at times I feel a little faint. My neck muscles tense so much that it feels tight. I run activily(2-3 times a week) I'm relatively healthy so I don't worry about my health. Anyways I just wanted to share my story on here with you guys. I'll have to tough it out like I did the first time I had anxiety attack. I don't want to rely on taking pills for the rest of my life, you know. Hopefully this one will go away for a long time. I just have to work at it like I did the first anxiety problem I had.

09-05-2013, 08:32 PM
Well, its a good thing that you can already say that it is anxiety. My problem for years was not accepting the fact that my physical symptoms were from anxiety. I had panic attacks 3-4 times a week at one time. So bad that I had to quit my job because I was afraid to leave the house. The driving thing is scary though, I've caught myself on the verge of panicking while sitting in traffic. When it starts all you can tell yourself is that you've been through it before and you survived. Roll with the punches. Good luck to you.

09-05-2013, 08:35 PM
Ya, I've caught myself on the verge of panicking while sitting in traffic also. Your right, we have to roll with the punches and tell ourselves that we've been through it before and survived. How are you doing so far?

09-05-2013, 08:54 PM
I'm doing ok. I've recently noticed myself drinking too much to help me relax and I feel it's gotten out of control. I am more of a health anxiety person so I constantly think there is something wrong with me. But, when I drink I don't feel anything. sooooo. I decided yesterday to cut back on the drinking and to start exercising to get rid of some of these nerves. I don't really have panic attacks anymore, just a constant feeling of not being able to relax and just worrying about life in general. I think I can get it together, just don't want to become an alcoholic in the process.
Oh, and the funny thing is, when I am hungover my anxiety level is x1,000 so it's a never ending cycle.

09-06-2013, 07:35 AM
haroldg12, you should be very proud of handling your anxiety so well. I have regular comebacks of anxiety/panic attacks, but I also believe that I can handle them and refuse taking medications.
As for the attacks while driving.. you just never know when and where the anxiety appears, how long it will last and how hard it will be, so you did right by stopping and letting it pass.

09-06-2013, 12:29 PM
I'm doing ok. I've recently noticed myself drinking too much to help me relax and I feel it's gotten out of control. I am more of a health anxiety person so I constantly think there is something wrong with me. But, when I drink I don't feel anything. sooooo. I decided yesterday to cut back on the drinking and to start exercising to get rid of some of these nerves. I don't really have panic attacks anymore, just a constant feeling of not being able to relax and just worrying about life in general. I think I can get it together, just don't want to become an alcoholic in the process.
Oh, and the funny thing is, when I am hungover my anxiety level is x1,000 so it's a never ending cycle.

I find myself drinking a glass or two of wine every night. I also feel that it helps me relax. My anxiety is health anxiety also and I'm always afraid I'm dying of something. Not like a hypochondriac but to the point where I Literally get sick to my stomach and have to run to the bathroom because I have myself convinced somethings wrong with me. Wine certainly does help me in the evenings relax before I go to bed. About seven weeks ago my husband and I started running. And tomorrow we run our first 5K Road race. It's 3.1 miles and I'm able to do it and just about 40 minutes. Of course I have to stop sometimes because I get nervous over my breathing in my heart rate and just keep my headphones on and my music blaring. I'm sure exercise will help you. Like you, I don't stress more than the average person but health anxiety is a whole different ballgame.