View Full Version : Hope this helps some people

09-03-2013, 12:52 PM
For almost three years I have been struggling horribly with PTSD and GAD. It came to a point where I stopped working, moved back in with my parents, and stayed in my bedroom. I felt so isolated and alone, my family was great and tried to help me the best they could. After almost two years of constant fear and panic I decided that I did not want to live the rest of my life this way. Yes it would be easier to stay with my parents forever and stay in my safe zone but I guess it is true that anything worth having does not come easy. Two months ago I decided to move back to my old hometown about 1000 miles away from my "safe zone". Just the thought of leaving brought on absolute terror but I knew I had to push myself to be independent again. I have been away from home now for about a month and surprisingly my anxiety has gotten better, as well as my self confidence. Yes I miss my family everyday but I know this experience is making me stronger. So for everyone that is thinking that anxiety is the end I am here to tell you that it does not have to be as long as you are willing to muster up the courage to take that first step you can change you're life. I know that my anxiety will never fully go away but it can get easier. Stay strong!

09-04-2013, 01:50 AM
Thanks for the info. It helps a lot to hear people making progress.