11-12-2007, 01:35 PM
Hi everyone! I hope and pray you're all well and having a wonderful week
(although it's only just begun! LOL) I have a couple of questions for you all and am optimistic that someone will be able to help. :)
First off I guess I should mention my "diagnosis" and how I've been feeling. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Slight Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and possible Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I'm sure there's more but these are the things I find troubling at this point in time.
I started Lexapro at a whole 1.25mg per day 5 days ago and so far I'm doing all right other than I am feeling more anxious for a few hours after taking it in the morning. Thankfully I'm taking 2.5mg of Klonopin a day to help with my anxiety although I'm still feeling it. By the way I tend to respond better to medications if I start low and increase slowly, hence the tiny dosage.
What I am wondering is if Celexa (well the Generic Form) is as good on anxiety as Lexapro as I have no insurance, no job and not a whole lotta money. I'm currently taking samples of the Lexapro but when it comes time to get a prescription, I'd sure like to go the Generic route if possible.
Also I've read a lot about the 2 meds online and have noticed many people saying that Lexapro is more activating than Celexa. Does anyone have any input on this as well? I would appreciate anything anyone would be willing to share about their experience and/or knowledge of either or both of these medicines.
Thank you all for your time and I hope to hear from someone soon. Take good care and have a wonderful day! :)
(although it's only just begun! LOL) I have a couple of questions for you all and am optimistic that someone will be able to help. :)
First off I guess I should mention my "diagnosis" and how I've been feeling. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Slight Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and possible Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I'm sure there's more but these are the things I find troubling at this point in time.
I started Lexapro at a whole 1.25mg per day 5 days ago and so far I'm doing all right other than I am feeling more anxious for a few hours after taking it in the morning. Thankfully I'm taking 2.5mg of Klonopin a day to help with my anxiety although I'm still feeling it. By the way I tend to respond better to medications if I start low and increase slowly, hence the tiny dosage.
What I am wondering is if Celexa (well the Generic Form) is as good on anxiety as Lexapro as I have no insurance, no job and not a whole lotta money. I'm currently taking samples of the Lexapro but when it comes time to get a prescription, I'd sure like to go the Generic route if possible.
Also I've read a lot about the 2 meds online and have noticed many people saying that Lexapro is more activating than Celexa. Does anyone have any input on this as well? I would appreciate anything anyone would be willing to share about their experience and/or knowledge of either or both of these medicines.
Thank you all for your time and I hope to hear from someone soon. Take good care and have a wonderful day! :)