View Full Version : Anxiety during pregnancy

09-01-2013, 10:43 AM
just yesterday I got really felt down, I am anxious about the pregnancy. I had thoughts and songs in my head it was driving me mad , I think it might be acute anxiety not sure.I just wish I could relax my mind it is on over drive and its terrible .

09-01-2013, 12:26 PM
We all can get songs going in the head. Thoughts can bounce around too when anxious.
Anyway we have a trip to Cork(Munster Prov.) next month and I hope you can calm down soon. I'll make sure we bring rainy day cloths as well.
You can if needed take a few ssri's to help when pregnant. Atarax is an old antihistamine with anti anxiety properties that I think also could be taken to reduce anxiety.
Can't wait for some real Guinness! :) PM me any time. Slán go fóill Alankay