View Full Version : Dizziness...vertigo.... Now odd feelings....Going crazy and struggling

08-30-2013, 01:23 PM
I have been feeling like the walls, floor objects are moving. No spinning sensation just movement. I have had blood tests, bp checked multiple times, ears checked and was told they are cloudy? whatever that means and no answers. I am on betahistine which is anti vertigo and I find it helps a bit, but now in the past couple weeks along with the movement I feel weird in my abdomen...

It feels like bubbling/jittery/vibration not sure how to describe it that can be felt in the front and back, feels like it runs up and down in me. Doesn't happen consistently but when it does it freaks me right out. I'm terrified its ms or something more serious.

Help..... Anyone felt this way before?

08-30-2013, 03:51 PM
Has anyone experienced this?

08-30-2013, 04:28 PM
Very typical sensations. I get all those symptoms. Anxiety is a real jerk, ain't it?

08-30-2013, 04:44 PM
Yep had the same thing, feels like i couldnt walk right, dizzy as heck, holding walls to walk around, stomach numb and overall ill feeling, went to the doc got blood work done, came back fine, heart sounded good too, felt better after that, not as dizzy, are you really stressed?

08-30-2013, 05:04 PM
Yep had the same thing, feels like i couldnt walk right, dizzy as heck, holding walls to walk around, stomach numb and overall ill feeling, went to the doc got blood work done, came back fine, heart sounded good too, felt better after that, not as dizzy, are you really stressed?

I don't feel stressed but I guess I might be. I just recently got my license so driving alone makes me anxious. Had to go away in July to Boston and was having panic about that. Going to Chicago in a month and already panicking about that a bit. Trying to get pregnant, following a miscarriage in April. I was exercising and be active but once the vertigo/dizziness started I stopped! :( writing it all out makes me realize that I'm good at ignoring my issues....

08-30-2013, 05:14 PM
**************NOT A DOCTOR********************

Anxiety makes you uber-sensitive to this stuff but it could be an inner ear issue. Dizziness, vertigo and balance can be impaired if there's something going on in the ear.

Flying on an airplane (high altitude), a cold, not drinking enough water, mucus blockage can make these things worse.

08-30-2013, 05:39 PM
You may not feel stressed, but your body is showing the strain. It's why you're getting all these weird symptoms. You should see a doc, though, just to be sure.

08-30-2013, 07:06 PM
You may not feel stressed, but your body is showing the strain. It's why you're getting all these weird symptoms. You should see a doc, though, just to be sure.

I have seen my dr twice, blood pressure, blood tests, all are normal

08-30-2013, 07:07 PM
**************NOT A DOCTOR********************

Anxiety makes you uber-sensitive to this stuff but it could be an inner ear issue. Dizziness, vertigo and balance can be impaired if there's something going on in the ear.

Flying on an airplane (high altitude), a cold, not drinking enough water, mucus blockage can make these things worse.

That's what my dr is thinking.. I guess it's making me crazy because I have had it for about 2 months :(

08-30-2013, 07:08 PM
That's good! Then you know what the problem is.


08-30-2013, 07:11 PM
That's good! Then you know what the problem is.


It feels as though it really isn't that simple to be an inner ear... My thought process is saying it can't be... It has to be something more. Which is crazy because I'm terrified of it being anything major.

08-30-2013, 07:12 PM
That's good! Then you know what the problem is.


Thanks for that article I think I'm going to print it so I can reread when needed :)

08-30-2013, 07:27 PM
Which is crazy because I'm terrified of it being anything major.

That's why you keep thinking it. Try this... Every time the thought recurs, imagine it is a white puff of cloud and let it go. Visualize it drifting away and vanishing. These fears aren't coming from your rational brain. They are coming from your emotional animal brain. It's why, rationally, you know it's nothing major, but it still keeps coming back. The emotional brain does not respond to rational thinking, but it does respond to creative visualization. To that part of your brain, everything you imagine is real. So imagine the thoughts that upset you are puffs of smoke and make them go away. It helps, but you have to do it consistently.

09-05-2013, 01:58 PM
That's what my dr is thinking.. I guess it's making me crazy because I have had it for about 2 months :(

It's your anxiety, my dear. But I don't want to continue to harp on that. What Cobra said is good and also the article. But I'd encourage you to continue to seek out a medical explanation if it helps. I actually recently had these issues too and I am currently saving up for a visit to an ENT to get possible ear wax removed and an ultrasound done.

It can't hurt to have it checked up on but after you've exhausted all your routine medical options, you should tackle this anxiety.