View Full Version : Cipralex(Lexapro) nausea

08-29-2013, 04:19 AM
So I'm on day 8 of cipralex also known as lexapro 5mg. I faced nausea on the first day plus fever but went away. Then the other days i faced increased body temperature but that went away. But now for the last three days I'm facing nausea. Plus there's a gassy feeling in my stomach. I keep using herbs to make it help, it goes for a while but it comes back again, especially after I'm done eating anything. Plus i went to the toilet today and my stool was black. Should i be worried? Feeling scared right now.
Should i stop the med?

08-30-2013, 12:04 AM
Day 9, still nausea. Someone please reply.

08-30-2013, 07:09 AM
Hi I'm on lexapro too I only had slight nausea nothing too bad. Have you tried taking it with food or a different time of day? Takes a few weeks to adjust. I mostly had headaches.

08-31-2013, 06:08 AM
So I'm on day 8 of cipralex also known as lexapro 5mg. I faced nausea on the first day plus fever but went away. Then the other days i faced increased body temperature but that went away. But now for the last three days I'm facing nausea. Plus there's a gassy feeling in my stomach. I keep using herbs to make it help, it goes for a while but it comes back again, especially after I'm done eating anything. Plus i went to the toilet today and my stool was black. Should i be worried? Feeling scared right now.
Should i stop the med?

Often the first two weeks of starting an antidepressant can be the most diffucult, because that is the time when side effects become most intense, due to your body adapting to the new medication.

When you start an antidepressant, your body may actually feel more anxious, since the medication is activating how your body is managing serotonin. It seems your symptoms (like fever, increased temperature) initially come, but then go away.

I think you should give it more time for the medication to adjust, before you decide to get off it, so continue at the dosage that your doctor prescribed, however keep him informed about your current status.

And most especially, DON'T STOP TAKING YOUR MEDICATION, without the direction of your doctor.

Bowel issues are frequent side effects of antidepressants, particularly for the SSRI family. This is due to serotonin being produced in the gut, which causes digestive issues.

Have you asked your doctor about immodium?