View Full Version : pulsatile tinnitus.. link to anxiety?

08-29-2013, 02:36 AM
So I've been having this odd feeling in my right ear for about a week now, kind of like an elevated pulse. It gets the most aggravated when I turn my head or I bend down. Not really much pain though, it comes and goes. I went to the doc and he prescribed me some antibiotic ear drops and really hasn't done much. Now along with that I've gotten chest congestions. There's two things that are going through my head right now.. maybe it's just an ear infection that will go away eventually, although it has been more than a week I've had this and no change. Or it could be pulsatile tinnitus. While looking this up (I know I shouldn't be looking up symptoms but I can't help it :/ ) I've read a link between pulsatile tinnitus and anxiety/depression and it sometimes occurs when there is a change in blood flow. I'm trying not to think anything worse is happening, like a tumor and it's taking everything in me not to google symptoms right now.. :(

The one thing that is calming me down is that I developed a cough and a fever (it eventually went away after about a day though) maybe 5-6 days after I got the ear infection (or whatever it is) so it might just be a viral infection and all of this worrying is for nothing.

Anyway, if anyone has ever experienced something like this please let me know. I'm going a little nuts. I'm going through every possible symptom and it's not good for me at all. If it doesn't go away by the end of this week I'm going to visit my GP (I went to a walk-in clinic the first time) and maybe he'll know the problem...